Forms of Business Ownership Learning Objectives 1) Identify the questions to ask in choosing the appropriate form of ownership for a business. 2) Describe the sole proprietorship and partnership forms of organization, and specify the advantages and disadvantages. 3) Identify the different types of partnerships, and explain the Downloads
Preview and Download !WORKSHEET: COMPARISON OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP STUDENT SUPPORT . Page 1 of 2 . Type of Business Ownership Ownership . Control/Decision Making Finance : Liability : Sole Trader ; Only 1 owner can have any number of employees ; Sole Trader has complete control and is in charge of all the decision making . Downloads
Preview and Download !Chapter 6 Business Ownership and Operations Read to Learn. 1. Chapter 6. Business Ownership and Operations. Section 6.1. Types of Business Ownership. Read to Learn. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the three major forms of business organizations. Describe how cooperatives and nonprofits are like and unlike corporations and franchises. Downloads
Preview and Download !The business must quickly start generating cash by bringing in paying clients. Quiet desperation sets in – “I never knew it was going to be this tough” 4. False Stability – The business is generating enough cash to survive. The owner is paying the bills. Everything in the business depends on the owner. Downloads
Preview and Download !• The SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO) serves as an advocate for women-owned businesses. The office oversees a nationwide network of 110 Women’s Business Centers that provide business training, counseling and mentoring geared specifically to women, especially those who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Downloads
Preview and Download !The business must quickly start generating cash by bringing in paying clients. Quiet desperation sets in – “I never knew it was going to be this tough” 4. False Stability – The business is generating enough cash to survive. The owner is paying the bills. Everything in the business depends on the owner. Downloads
Preview and Download !FILL-IN-THE-BLANKS BUSINESS PLAN OUTLINE CUSTOMERS Your customers are the most important part of your business. Without customers you wouldn’t be in business. It’s critical to carefully analyze who your customers are, how much and how often they buy from you, and why they do business with you rather than someone else. Defining Customers Downloads
Preview and Download !In order to get a loan, we need to create a plan for our business. We need to: • explain how much it costs to produce the bracelets, • explain how many people we can sell bracelets to, and • convince someone that our business will make enough money to pay the loan back. You should write these three items on the chalkboard or on chart paper. Downloads
Preview and Download !purpose of the business as well as other information, such as how many stocks will be issued and who will initially be involved in running the business. When the state gives approval for the establishment of a corporation, the state has created a new legal entity. It operates the same as an individual adult who pays taxes and must abide by certain laws. Downloads
Preview and Download !A corporation is a legally defined type of business ownership in which the business is considered a type of “person” (or “entity”) under the law, and limited liability is granted to the business owner(s). The owners of a corporation are called its shareholders or stockholders. A share of stock is a unit of ownership in a corporation. Downloads
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