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Chapter 14 Musculoskeletal System 543 Terms Related to the Skeleton and Bones (continued) Term Pronunciation Meaning Bones acetabulum as-ĕ-tab’yū-lŭm the socket of the pelvic bone where the femur articulatesacromion ă-krō’mē-on lateral upper section of the scapula calcaneus kal-kā’nē-ŭs bone of the heel carpal bones kahr’păl bōnz the eight bones of the wrist Downloads
Preview and Download !Lesson 3: Muscles Identify and describe parts of the muscular system. Summarize the functions of the muscular system. Lesson 4: Breathing Identify and describe parts of the respiratory system. Summarize the functions of the respiratory system. Lesson 5: Pumping Blood Identify and describe parts of the circulatory system. Downloads
Preview and Download !There are more than 600 skeletal muscles in the body. Collectively, they constitute 40% to 50% of our body weight. And, together with the scaffolding provided by the skeleton, muscles also determine the form and contours of our body. Contraction of individual muscle cells is ultimately re-sponsible for purposeful movement. In Chapter 11 the phys- Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Name: _____ When you think of muscles, you might picture a bodybuilder with big, bulging arm and chest muscles. ... Muscles and bones work together to give your body power, strength, and movement. In fact, every year, your leg muscles help you take about five-million Downloads
Preview and Download !Teacher’s Guide: Bones, Muscles, and Joints (PreK to Grade 2) Subject: These activities will help your students understand what bones, muscles, and joints are and how they work together to keep us moving! Keywords: bone, bones, skeleton, skeletons, muscle, muscles, joint, joints, calcium Created Date: 7/2/2015 11:31:40 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !voluntary muscles attached to bones capable of providing motion (d) cardiac muscle . the hardest working muscle; the heart is made of cardiac muscles (e) smooth muscle . involuntary muscles found inside most organs such as the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels . 2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Downloads
Preview and Download !result, passive muscles are able to serve as ties that reinforce joints & oppose forces on bones. Muscle associated fascia: 1. epimysium = loose or dense connective tissue surrounding an entire muscle 2. perimysium = loose connective tissue defining muscle fascicles 3. endomysium = small amounts of loose c.t. surrounding individual muscle fibers Downloads
Preview and Download !gives flexibility to the skeleton. The skeleton, joints, and muscles work together to produce movement. Bones Med Term Tip The term skeleton, from the Greek word skeltos meaning “dried up,” was originally used in reference to a dried-up mummi-fied body, but over time came to be used for bones. cartilage (CAR-tih-lij) osseous tissue (OSS-ee-us) Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Name: _____ When you think of muscles, you might picture a bodybuilder with big, bulging arm and chest muscles. ... Muscles and bones work together to give your body power, strength, and movement. In fact, every year, your leg muscles help you take about five-million Downloads
Preview and Download !Approximately 650 skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Skeletal muscles contract voluntarily, meaning that you can control them consciously. Skeletal muscle cells appeart to be striped under the microscope, and these stripes are called striations. Most skeletal muscles are attached to two bones over a joint. Downloads
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