• A sentence shows a complete thought. A sentence fragment does not. • A statement is a sentence that tells something. A question is a sentence that asks something. • A command is a sentence that tells someone to do something. An exclamation is a sentence that expresses a strong feeling. • Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/10lq683 Downloads
Preview and Download !A. Identifying Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates Underline each complete subject once, and underline each complete predicate twice. 1. My cousin visited South America last year. 2. She took a boat ride up the Amazon River. 3. The Amazon is the largest river in the world. 4. The river flows just south of the Equator. 5. The weather was ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/7iv885 Downloads
Preview and Download !In a sentence, a complement is the word or words in the predicate that renames or describes the subject. Complements follow linking verbs. Common linking verbs include the words am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, seem, become, look, appear, taste, smell, sound, and feel. Complements can be nouns or adjectives. 1.
https://url.theworksheets.com/4y289 Downloads
Preview and Download !Circle the nouns in each sentence: Anouni sa w or d fora per so n, place ort hi n g 1. The broom is in the garage. 2. Apples are delicious. 3. There is sand on the beach. 4. My hamster is fuzzy. 5. The jet is very fast. Write a sentence about a person and circle the nouns. Write a sentence about a thing and circle the nouns. Answers will vary ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/2gly346 Downloads
Preview and Download !2 What I Know Test A Directions: Underline the correct modal inside the parenthesis to complete the sentence. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. I thought I (may, might) visit Cape Town.2. My friend (may, might) see me in Uganda one of these days.3. He is amazing, he (can, could) dance Shaku-shaku, a famous dance in Nigeria.
https://url.theworksheets.com/7fyk51 Downloads
Preview and Download !Plural Nouns A noun that names only one thing is a singular noun. examples: book, dish A noun that names more than one thing is a plural noun. examples: books, dishes Most singular nouns can be made plural by just adding an s to the end. Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end. Singular: I have a colorful dish.
https://url.theworksheets.com/39ze855 Downloads
Preview and Download !5. The team has complete confidence in her ability. 6. I need a bottle of water to quench my thirst. 4. Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives. The first one has been done for you. 5. Write the abstract nouns formed from the following verbs. The first one has been done for you. 1. To arrive arrival 2. To depart departure 3. To ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/7flu103 Downloads
Preview and Download !Rewrite the fragments into complete sentences. Answers will vary. Here are samples of possible answers. 1. Can you put the apples with the oranges in the refrigerator? 2. The broom goes in the closet under the stairs. 3. Janice was working hard all night. 4. The gray stairs to the basement are slippery when they are wet.
https://url.theworksheets.com/2oy680 Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 3 Nouns Worksheet Circle the nouns. Complete the sentences using nouns from above. 1. Last weekend, I went to the aquarium with my friend Bill. 2. We could observe the colorful _____ swimming in the various tanks. 3. Every tank was filled with cold _____, pebbles and sometimes algae. 4. In the tropical exhibits, we saw fish tanks with ...
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