Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Sentences A B B 1. Put your coat on your brother’s hook. brothers brother’s _____ 2. The _____ liner is ripped. drawer’s drawers ... punctuation, possessive nouns, apostrophes, grammar, english, grade 3, worksheet Downloads
Preview and Download !After each sentence, write whether the underlined word or words are the simple subject, complete subject, simple predicate, or complete predicate. 1. My grandparents live on an island. 2. A small boat travels there every hour. 3. The entire ride takes about twenty minutes. 4. My family visits them every summer. 5. We stay for about a week. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !sentence (person, place, or thing a sentence is about), whereas “me” is used as the object noun. “We” is used as a subject noun in a sentence (person, place, or thing a sentence is about), whereas “us” is used as an object noun. Use the pronoun “it” when referring to a singular non-human noun, but use “they” when referring ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Exercise A Use a vertical line to separate the complete subject and the complete predicate in each of the following sentences. EXAMPLE 1. Dad bought a new car last week. 1. This new car is a blue-and-white four-door sedan. 2. It has a sunroof and an automatic transmission. 3. The leather seats feel comfortable. 4. Dual air bags make the car ... Downloads
Preview and Download !♣ Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more words. ♣ Most compound nouns are made with nouns that have been modified by adjectives or other nouns. TYPES OF NOUNS: ♣ Closed or solid compound nouns: compound nouns which are one word e.g. toothpaste, haircut and bedroom. Downloads
Preview and Download !noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. Choose the best collective noun to complete the sentence. A _____ of fish swam below the boat. herd class school flock gang litter team crew pod gaggle herd swarm gang class bunch crowd My baseball ... Downloads
Preview and Download !LESSON 10 Making Sure Nouns and Pronouns Agree 91 LESSON 11 Using Modifiers 99 LESSON 12 Checking Capitalization and Spelling 109 LESSON 13 Punctuating Sentences 121 ... Which of the following is a complete sentence? a. Because night fell. b. Jim ate the sandwich. c. On a tree-lined path. d. In our neck of the woods. 2. Which of the following ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Fill in the blanks with the right parts of speech to complete the story. Alfred’s New House Once upon a __time __ (noun), there was a boy named Alfred who decided to build a _____ (adjective) tree house. He _____ ... parts of speech, nouns, verbs, adjectives, grammar, grade 3, worksheet, english ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar: Sentence Types Write whether each sentence is a statement, gives a command, asks a question, or expresses excitement. Then write whether the sentence is declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. 1. Tennis, badminton, table tennis, and racquetball are types of racquet sports. 2. Another name for table tennis is ping-pong. 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !in this sentence? He will move to a new house in April. Is the underlined word a common noun or proper ... Common & Proper Nouns Super Teacher Worksheets - Is the underlined word a common noun or ... They can complete them in any order they'd like. You can have them do as many, or as few, problems as you Downloads
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