School Safety, Security and Gun Safety – Browse 200+ Worksheets Now

June 27, 2022 by admin

Gun Safety, School Safety and School Security Worksheets
Gun Safety, School Safety and School Security Worksheets

School Safety: Teaching and Learning Worksheets

            We wish we did not have to discuss school safety with children, but the truth is the world is a dangerous place. Though there is no way to prepare for every circumstance, children who are informed know how to help themselves better if a problem does arise. Just as adults handle a stressful event if they are informed, children need to be informed as well but in ways that are appropriate for their age and mental levels. The worksheets included in this section focus on school safety topics that need to be covered in age-appropriate ways with children. These topics include bullying, cyberbullying, cybersecurity, emergency planning, public health, mental health, and much more.

            School should never be a scary place, but sometimes it can be, as can the world. Today, more children are seeking out mental health help than ever before. This increase began with COVID-19 and has continued. In addition, children hear and watch the news about school shootings and people dying of disease and are faced with issues on social media that parents did not have to face growing up. All of these combine to create children who may feel unprepared to face whatever comes in life. The worksheets on this page offer simple ways to explain multiple issues to children of varying ages and ease their minds regarding some of the most common issues.

Bullying and Cyberbullying

            Most children and adults have heard of cyberbullying and bullying but may not fully understand what it means, how to handle a bullying situation in person or online, or how to prevent it from occurring. The worksheets in this section will help parents and teachers talk about bullying and cyberbullying, learn to identify instances of bullying and handle the fallout if it occurs. Students may believe that something said in person is more harmful than online, but this is far from true. Unfortunately, many children also feel more comfortable hiding behind the monitor to bully when they would not be a bully in person. The topic is difficult to discuss but of such importance that, in some cases, it could be the difference between life and death.

            Look at the available worksheets to learn the definition of cyberbullying and what students believe should be done if someone is a cyberbully. This is a perfect first lesson for middle school students and offers links to numerous articles to discuss the topic further. If bullying is an issue for students, try the workbook about teen aggression and bullying here. Students need to understand that technology has numerous benefits, but real issues can quickly build up if bullying occurs.

Bullying and Prevention Worksheets

Data and Security

            Children are more tech-savvy today than ever before. Most toddlers can unlock a phone, most middle schoolers can call for an Uber, and high schoolers are well versed in everything tech-based, but few are as well versed in data and security concerns while online. Most students do not understand that the internet is forever and any information put online can come back to haunt them later. It is not uncommon for colleges to look at social media activity and potential employers to check online activity. While this may not be the same as a data breach or ransomware, it is still an important topic to discuss with students.

            As for actual ransomware, most students may have heard the word but will not have a deeper understanding of what ransomware is or what problems may arise. Help students understand why ransomware is an issue with the Ransomware Battle worksheet or help students understand why data breaches can affect anyone with the Data Breaches and Cybersecurity Incidents worksheet. These worksheets will help students understand both concepts and learn why we should not store passwords on public computers, use credit cards online for every website, and how to make sure someone is not spying on your online activity.

Data and security Worksheets

School Safety and Security

            Life is much more complicated for students today than when their parents were in classes. Many parents did not experience active shooter drills, emergency planning, pandemics, and natural disasters that could occur while in school, but their children will experience such things. This can be overwhelming for children of all ages, so we have the worksheets to help. Children of all ages need to understand that school is a safe space to share concerns and that the adults in the building are meant to keep them safe and healthy.

            The Creating Safe Schools sections help students learn to celebrate the differences in everyone instead of using that against others. The worksheets help students to identify differences and the areas in which they may need to be more understanding. The Healthy Schools section covers numerous topics, including healthy food choices and choices to be healthy socially, physically, and emotionally. The worksheets vary greatly but can be adapted for nearly any age. School Safety is designed mostly for younger children, but all could benefit from a review of how to be and feel safe when adults are not around. Choose the age-appropriate worksheets to meet your needs. There is much more under this heading, but each section is important to cover to help children feel safer at school.

Mental Health at Schools Worksheets
School Safety Worksheets

School Security

            We may not want to admit that schools are not always safe, but the world is changing. The School Security section covers various topics ranging from school shooting drills to violence prevention.

Also included are emergency planning worksheets that help students understand that planning can keep you safer and allow for more security because the plan is well known. We may not be able to prepare for every eventuality, but knowing that a plan is in place can calm many nerves. Help students to be able to focus on learning because they are prepared.

Gun Safety at Schools
School Security Worksheets


            Being a student of any age in today’s society can be scary and overwhelming. The best thing to do to help students is to openly discuss their fears and address each with an honest plan. Students need to know that though negative things may happen, many positive things happen as well and should be both expected and enjoyed.

Government Website related to school safety is and many of the topics are sourced from here.

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