relaxation, yoga, mindfulness, and deep breathing. 2. Adjust your lifestyle to make it less busy, hectic, and rushed. 3. Take part in activities that give you pleasure, make you feel competent, or give you a chance to take a break from other, more stressful activities. Relaxation skills are like exercise! Downloads
Preview and Download !Here's the ultimate yoga pose directory featuring 101 popular yoga poses (asanas) for beginners, intermediate and advanced yogis. Includes photos, benefits and step-by-step instructions. We kick off our collection of yoga poses with a full-blown yoga pose chart. 1/117. 2/117. 3/117. 4/117. Downloads
Preview and Download !•Yoga Finally, let’s hear the report from the Spirit group. (Use the points on this slide to review and enhance the reports of the group.) Spirit touches on a sensitive and sometimes controversial topic: an individual's inner peace and well-being. Wellness is based on individual choice. Downloads
Preview and Download !into opposites. For example, may all children be happy and may all adults be happy. Alternatively, you may simply wish for all beings to be happy. As you extend loving-kindness toward all beings, notice the spaciousness in the body and see if you can notice your breath extending out, past the body. ! ! ! Downloads
Preview and Download !8- Rebecca elis Contact • ASSESSMENT • This section will give you an idea of where you are at right now. PLANNING • This section will help you create a personalized wellness plan. COMMUNITY This section will help define and build a supportive community. Downloads
Preview and Download !feet and a pad (blanket, yoga mat, quilt) soft enough for you to lie on in comfort. Arrange to be undisturbed for about half an hour. 1. Read through each instruction until you have an idea what to do. 2. Do the exploration as you remember it. 3. Re-read the instructions for clarification. 4. Re-do the exploration. Downloads
Preview and Download !Mindfulness: Center and ground yourself in the moment. Choose an activity to help you stay in the present moment. Ideas include - meditation, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, listening to Downloads
Preview and Download !L Yoga L Imagine your favorite place L Have a mindful snack L 54321 grounding technique L Grounding self-talk about the present L Think of your favorite things L Picture the people you care about L Say the alphabet slowly L _____ L _____ L Remember the words to a song you love L Run water over your hands ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Dissecting The Problem . This form is to help gather information about the nature of the main challenge, issue, or problem facing you. First, please summarize, in 1 or 2 sentences, what the main issue or problem is: Downloads
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