context clues sentences which show the meaning of that vocabulary word. Write down three examples of good context clue sentences (preferably ones which use a variety of the SALE context clues strategies. Feel free to add a few of your own sentences. Ask students to identify the surrounding word clues which show the meaning of the vocabulary word. Downloads
Preview and Download !noun phrase (NP) – NPs may be a subject or an object of a sentence, may contain a determiner, proper name, pronoun, or may be a noun alone • All the bolded groups constitute a syntactic category known as a verb phrase (VP) – VPs must always contain a verb but may also contain other constituents Downloads
Preview and Download !A) There are ten pairs of sentences in this Exercise. Each pair of sentences has been joined together using a conjunction. Rewrite each pair replacing the conjunction with a semi-colon. Check that each side of the semi-colon can stand as a sentence in its own right. 1. Sara watched television after she had finished her homework. 2. Downloads
Preview and Download !Use the following instructions to write five sentences of your own. Highlight the nouns you use. 1. Write a sentence using two nouns that name family members. _____ _____ 2. Write a sentence using a noun that names a living thing that you can see. _____ _____ 3. Write a sentence using a noun that names an idea you cannot usually see. Downloads
Preview and Download !Write whether each underlined noun in the following sentences is a plural, a plural possessive, a singular possessive,or a contraction. 1. The children’s books section of the store was packed with shoppers. _____ 2. I noticed that the catalog’s front page was ripped out. _____ 3. The bride’s never supposed to be late to the wedding. _____ 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !We took each noun in turn and we crafted sentences together. I showed the children how to raid each list to find the best adjectives to expand the noun and kept dropping in the terminology, so that by the end of the writing, they had heard me refer to Zexpanding the noun phrase’, ‘noun phrases’ and ‘precise/interesting verb,’ a Downloads
Preview and Download !• In English, it is common to use more than one adjective to describe a noun. These adjectives must be used in the proper order. Exxaammppllee:: Here is a beautiful , red cloth flag. Why does beautiful come before red? Why does red come before cloth? • Understanding the proper order of adjectives takes practice. Use the following table to ... Downloads
Preview and Download !• Students will write an autobiography. Other Evidence (e.g., formative) • Students will complete worksheets as they progress through the unit that will comprise different sections of their autobiography. (Adapted from: Create-an-Autobiography: 1995 Educational Impressions, Inc.) • Bell Ringers • Exit Slips Stage 3 – Learning Plan CODE Downloads
Preview and Download !They refer back to a noun or another pronoun in the same sentence. ... 6 One day, Cal's son requested a room of his own. ne day, Cal's son demanded a room of his own. Guided Practice Read the sentences. Write P if the underlined word has a positive connotation. Write N if the underlined word has a negative connotation. Downloads
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