Belief Systems Worksheets – p.70 . BELIEF HARMONY WORKSHEET #5 ... Acknowledge that a certain belief worked well for you, really supported you at a particular time in your life, but it’s now outdated. Choose to let it go. It’s like a dress you have kept for years that you once loved, but now, being objective, actually it’s shabby, out ... Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Develop a Balanced Core Belief . Now it’s time to develop an alternative core belief to replace your old negative one. When developing a new core belief, you want to aim for something that is more positive, balanced, and realistic. Think of something that is a more accurate reflection of yourself. It is important that the work you do on your Downloads
Preview and Download !Understanding Beliefs Interviews (20 mins) We are going to interview another person about their culture, traditions, values and beliefs and write their responses on the interview sheet. This is your chance to learn something new about the people in our class. Distribute the Understanding Beliefs and Values Interview Sheet. Downloads
Preview and Download !If then If then 7. Write down any thoughts you commonly have that begin with words like “I am …” or “The world is …” or “Life is …” or “Other people are …” 8. Write down any common thoughts you have that begin, “I should/ must …” or “I should/must not …” Downloads
Preview and Download !Even if a core belief is inaccurate, it still shapes how a person sees the world. Harmful core beliefs lead to negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whereas rational core beliefs lead to balanced reactions. Situation: Two people with different core beliefs receive a bad grade on a test. Person Core Belief Reaction . A Downloads
Preview and Download !integrating into my core belief. I was asked out on a date …but it must’ve been out of pity. I’m close with my parents …but they’re my parents, so they don’t count. My friend gave me a birthday present …but only because I gave them one. Accepted Information I integrated into my core belief. My friend didn’t answer Downloads
Preview and Download !1. Take a moment and think about a negative, limiting belief that you can trace back to a childhood or adolescent event or circumstance. If there are several, just pick one for now, perhaps the one that bothers or inhibits you most. Write down that belief in the space below. For example, you might write I don’t deserve a loving relationship. Downloads
Preview and Download !1. What limiting belief do you want to work on? When you talk yourself out of taking action, what do you tell yourself? 2. What evidence is there (or not there!) that makes this belief true? How might it be informed by assumptions, external expectations, or stereotypes? 3. How does holding this limiting belief serve or benefit you? 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !The worksheets are inappropriate for some clients, especially those who are not intellectually equipped to understand them, who become easily confused, who do not ... What experiences contributed to the development and maintenance of the adaptive core belief(s)? What have the client’s strengths, skills, personal and material assets, and ... Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Develop a Balanced Core Belief . Now it’s time to develop an alternative core belief to replace your old negative one. When developing a new core belief, you want to aim for something that is more positive, balanced, and realistic. Think of something that is a more accurate reflection of yourself. It is important that the work you do on your Downloads
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