Sunday School Suggestions (in home or in groups) to Remember the Great Commission Before His Ascension, Jesus gave the disciples an important task: they were to go into “all the world” and spread the Gospel to others. This was not just a command for the twelve, b ut for all of us. Sharing the Good News is not a chore, however, but a blessing. Downloads
Preview and Download !Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they will see your good deeds and praise your father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Gospel Connection: This passage is important to understanding the whole Bible because it Downloads
Preview and Download !Sunday School lesson. Please leave any suggestions at the bottom of this page. Curriculum text: John 3:1-21 ... Learn About the Bible Worksheets from Shirley McKinstry at How Do You Accept Jesus’ Free Gift of Salvation? Admit that you have sinned Downloads
Preview and Download !Lesson 2: Elijah was cared for by God through the ravens and widow and Elijah stood up for God when he opposed the false prophets of Baal. We learned that God is the Only True God. Downloads
Preview and Download !Lesson 3: Saul is rejected by God for being disobedient. – we studied that Saul disobeyed God’s commands and was punished for his actions. We learned that we need to obey God to please Him. Lesson 4: David is anointed and chosen by God. – we learned that it is not what you look like that matters but it is what your heart is like that does. Downloads
Preview and Download !The brief summary in verse 29 is all we are told of the repentance of Ahab, you might question as to whether it was real, it would be difficult to us to say but God who knows all and can read Downloads
Preview and Download !EXAMPLE OF A COMPLETE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ..... 69 SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING FINAL EXAM ..... 72 REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLASS 1. Attend 80% o'all classes 2. Write three Bible Lessons on three dierent topics o r Bible people a. 1 '%r ages 6-11 years old b. 1 '%r ages 12-18 years old c. 1 '%r Adults 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !stage two of the Junior Bible Worksheets. This collection of puzzles, crosswords and activities is a reminder of the wonderful stories found in the early parts of the Bible. Our aim in presenting these worksheets is to reinforce the material in the lesson notes and provide interesting activities for 9-12 year old children. There is a great Downloads
Preview and Download !cipal of your school. Imagine that one day you find out that the principal is going to be fired and your father is going to get his job. • How do you think that your friend would feel about you? • How do you think your friend would feel about your father? • Do you think that this would affect your friendship? Presenting the Bible Story Downloads
Preview and Download !DO NOT WORRY! Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives, and to consider how God feeds the birds and dresses the lilies. Words associated with Matthew 6:25-34 are hidden below. Downloads
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