a students’ knowledge of letter names and sounds. This is the only part of the assessment where students will be seeing letters in print. Teachers can use the student pages provided on pages 6 &7. When identifying letter sounds, students are expected to provide multiple sounds for some letters. An optional picture assessment is
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Preview and Download !Replace all the short /a/ sounds with the short /e/ sound. Sat . Mat . Past . 2. Replace all the short /i/ sounds with the short /o/ sound. Pit . Tip . Click . 3. Replace all the beginning sounds with the /m/ sound. Tap . Rug Kitten . Set . Teach Your Child to Read Discover a super Simple and powerful program that
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Preview and Download !Substituting ending sounds. Lessons: 8 (second cycle) 9 (first cycle) 6 Lessons One to Ten First Cycle These ten lessons appear in two cycles. Each of the two cycles has the same ten lessons, but teach progressively more complicated skills.
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Preview and Download !Replace all the beginning sounds with the /k/ sound. Sat . Map . Mart . 2. Replace all the beginning sounds with the /b/ sound. Rat . Sun . Cook . 3. Replace all the ending sounds with the /t/ sound. Ram : Had . Arm . Cat . Teach Your Child to Read Discover a super Simple and powerful program that
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Preview and Download !Consonant sounds including H blends Silent letters Suffix Prefix Brain twisters (the difficult spellings) It’s important throughout the course to learn to order the sounds from left to right. Practice hearing, speaking, writing, separating, combining, substituting, deleting and matching the sounds and spellings of sounds.
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Preview and Download !Reading(K*3:(Road(to(the(Common(Core(Phonological*Awareness:*Phoneme*Awareness*(K41)*3(Phonological*Awareness:*PhonemeAwareness*(K41)*****SampleLesson*Script**When ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/1tr5138 Downloads
Preview and Download !Word Lists for Phoneme Addition: earn add /l/ to the beginning learn art add /h/ to the beginning heart store add /k/ to the end stork purr add /ch/ to the end perch ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/1tr4530 Downloads
Preview and Download !Substituting ending consonant fa n a tf fa x Comparative Suffixes: fast faster fastest Substituting vowel male mule mole mile Plurals: words and match sounds-to-symbols.fox foxes Word Chains: bl eak sneak speak creak freak Syllable Patterns: fantastic = fan ast tic (closed) (closed) (closed) Work with Meaning dis covered = dis + cover + ed
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Preview and Download !Substituting /n/ for final /m/ 4. Adding an extra vowel sound after final consonant (usually /u/ or /e/) Listening Practice: 1. lube – loop 2. mud – mutt 3. bug – buck 4. time – tine 5. knees – niece 6. alive – a lie 7. prize - price 8. stain - stay 9. flag – flack 10. some – sun Word Practice: 1. budge 2. glove ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/30s2118 Downloads
Preview and Download !substituting sounds. PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS 121 Assessing Phonological Awareness Throughout the Kindergarten Day Students’ knowledge of phonological awareness can be observed and assessed in the daily literacy activities in the kindergarten classroom, as well as through specific assessment activities. (See
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