When alvoelar sounds, like /t/ and /d/, are substituted with velar sounds like /k/ and /g/ When the /l/ or er sounds are replaced with a vowel Backing Vowelization SubStitution “gog” for “dog” Usually seen in more severe phonological delays. — When velar or palatal sounds, like /k/, /g/, and sh, are
https://url.theworksheets.com/310b101 Downloads
Preview and Download !• Substituting sounds game – Ask your child the following type of questions; I am thinking of the word “hat”, what happens if I change /t/ to /m/ etc ... Has lots of interactive resources, worksheets, games and ebooks too. Resource types most useful to you would be “Genre Story ebooks”, “Non Fiction Reader eBooks” and “Oral ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/3os9111 Downloads
Preview and Download !3. Which transmits sounds more efficiently—air or water? Try the following activity: Hit two spoons together in air and then in water, listening carefully to the sound each time. 4. Try the following combination at home in the bathtub. Caution: Do not submerge your head under water, and keep all electrical devices away from the water. a.
https://url.theworksheets.com/zv4131 Downloads
Preview and Download !This game is taken from ‘The Sounds Abound Program’ (Lenchner & Podhajski, see p. 56 of Manual) and it is an adaptation of the traditional children’s game ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’. Children sit in a circle. A picture card of a multisyllabic word can be shown to the group (e.g. ‘butterfly’) but a picture isn’t absolutely necessary.
https://url.theworksheets.com/1trk119 Downloads
Preview and Download !Definitions of Phonological Processes (as used in Computerized Profiling 9.7.0) Reduplication A multi-syllable production different from the target where the syllables are phonetically
https://url.theworksheets.com/30s6123 Downloads
Preview and Download !Substitution pun - This is when they rely on substituting a similar sounding word with a different meaning. Example: Puns are a low form of humor but I think poetry is verse. (verse is chosen because it sounds like worse) Homonym puns – these puns are homographs (pale, pail, tail, tale) Example: You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.
https://url.theworksheets.com/3os896 Downloads
Preview and Download !sounds in each word using Elkonin boxes. Students will push one tile (or other object) into a box for each sound (e.g., kite = /k/ /ie/ /t/ ) Adding/Substituting Phonemes Adding and substituting phonemes involves adding a new phoneme to a word (as in, what word do you get if you add /b/ to “at”) or swapping one
https://url.theworksheets.com/1lqc218 Downloads
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