The Spanish alphabet and its pronunciation The Spanish alphabet is called “abecedario” or “alfabeto”. It consists of 27 letters (22 consonants and 5 vowels). We need to learn it, as it is the basis of the whole language and it will help you when it comes to understanding its speakers and with your pronunciation. d b c a e Downloads
Preview and Download !1000 Common Spanish Words Workbook by Practice writing out the Spanish words and phrases on the blank spaces to the right. This PDF is good for writing practice. But if you want to learn to speak and understand real Spanish... I recommend SpanishPod101 — a Spanish learning system where you can learn Spanish Downloads
Preview and Download !Conversational Spanish Volume I Workbook by Maria Oliveira. You will also find the Workbook’s complete table of contents to demonstrate the scope and range of the vocabulary and grammar covered in this series. For more information or to place an order call 707-746-5979 or e-mail us at Downloads
Preview and Download !Spanish Basic Ch. 1-1. WS-1 Nombre: _____ Bloque: _____ Fecha: _____ Capítulo 1 Vocabulario 1/Gramática 1 Worksheet 1 1. Trisha is talking to a new student at school. Match each thing that Trisha says (in the left column) with an appropriate response from Rosa (in the right ... Downloads
Preview and Download !SPANISH VERB DRILLS The Big Book Of By Hanna Harb Grids and Exercises ::::: SPANISH VERB DRILLS 9 780756010942 ISBN 978-0-7560-1094-2 10000 The Big BooK of SPANISH VERB DRILLS The Only Verb Drill Book You’ll Ever Need! Packed into these 24 chapters are dozens of verb grids and exercises! Everything you need to drill different types of Downloads
Preview and Download !which look at general Spanish greetings, numbers, colours, family names, days of the week, and school and sports vocabulary to help children take their first steps in Spanish. FOTO DE FAMILIA Learning Objective: Oracy Listen attentively to the members of the family vocabulary and show understanding by joining in and responding. • Activity Sheet Downloads
Preview and Download !Spanish I Unit 1: Greetings and Personal Information 2 weeks Sp 1.1 Sp 1.2 Sp 1.3 Sp 1.4 Sp 1.9 Objectives Methods Resources Assessment The students will 1. Greet a person in Spanish 2. Introduce themselves ask other person’s name 3. Ask where students are from 4. Learn the alphabet 5. Count from 0 -10 6. Learn days of week Downloads
Preview and Download !Lesson activity: Vocabulary and grammar tests . These tests have been written by experienced MFL teachers to help support your students as they work towards their GCSE language exams. You may wish to present these tests as part of an end of topic assessment and then use the outcomes as a diagnostic tool to re-visit vocabulary and specific grammar Downloads
Preview and Download !342 Book IV: Spanish at Work Table 1-2 (continued) English Spanish Pronunciation nose la nariz lah nah-rees tongue la lengua lah lehn-gooah tonsils las amígdalas lahs ah-meeg-dah-lahs Arm and Hand Words arm el brazo ehl bvrah-soh elbow el codo ehl koh-doh finger el dedo ehl deh-doh finger (forefinger) el dedo índice ehl deh-doh een-dee-seh finger (little) el dedo meñique ehl deh-doh meh ... Downloads
Preview and Download !called the Hennepin County Spanish-speaking Provider Consortium, meets six times a year for population-specific trainings, clinical and language peer consultation, and resource sharing. Under the grant, Washburn Center’s Spanish-speaking Provider Group agreed to . compile a clinical language guide, meant to capture and expand on our group’s Downloads
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