Read the sentences and write the name of the planets and the Sun on each corresponding circle: The Sun is the biggest body in the Solar System, much bigger than any other planet. Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter but bigger than every other planet. Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 2 Science - Solar system Keywords: science, worksheet, grade 2, Solar system Created Date: 2/14/2021 10:50:29 PM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !The Planets The Terrestrial Planets The Jovian Planets or Gas Giants Name : Printable Worksheets @ Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is the !fth planet from the Sun and called the Gas Giant planet. Jupiter has a total of 79 known moons. It is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system. Jupiter Downloads
Preview and Download !The Eight Planets of our Solar System Name: Mercury Distance to sun: about 58 million km Moons: none Diameter: 4,879 km at the equator Mercury is the planet in our solar system that is closest to our sun. Named after the Roman god Mercury who was the messenger to the gods, it is the smallest planet, and is very difficult to see because it is so close to the sun. Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Solar System Planets Not Planets Cut out the solar system pictures. Decide if the picture is a planet or not a planet. Glue each picture in the correct column. Cut out each picture along the dotted line. Earth Saturn Moon Downloads
Preview and Download !solar system. ★ Make sure with each lesson that students are familiar with key vocabulary, such as orbit, gravity, asteroid, etc. Words like solar system can be broken down into “solar” meaning sun, meaning a system of planets orbiting around a sun. ★ Work through the Sun, dwarf planets, gas giants, moons, asteroids and Downloads
Preview and Download !our solar system The smallest planet in our solar system Where we live The hottest planet Has seven rings and at least 60 moons The windiest planet with winds up to 1,200 mph Known as the "red planet"" An "ice giant" that ... Planets Created Date: 2/14/2021 10:52:12 PM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Label each planet in our solar system. Planets of Our Solar System Name : Printable Worksheets @ PREVIEW Members, please. o his er? o s. n Gain complete access to the largest collection of worksheets in all subjects! Answer key Downloads
Preview and Download !The Solar System. Label the pictures as ©planet© or ©not a planet©. Mars Asteroid Rocket Neptune Saturn Spaceship Earth Comet not a planet planet not a planet not a planet planet planet not a planet planet planet Satellite not a planet Uranus Name : Printable Worksheets @ Answer key The Solar System. Downloads
Preview and Download !There are eight known planets that are divided into two groups called inner and outer planets. The inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The outer planets include Jupit er, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune . Mercury is the c losest planet to the Sun and is the second smal lest planet in the solar system. Downloads
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