commas or semicolons. Put the proper punctuation on the blank. 1. The artist preferred to paint in oils ; he did not like water colors. 2. Even when the house looks clean , there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug. 3. I’m going to leave early today , unless the boss comes back from the meeting. 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !PART IV – All the commas and semicolons have been omitted from the following sentences. Each number contains one or two sentences which may have one or more commas or semicolons missing. Some of these omissions may be correct. Insert the commas and semicolons where needed. Use your tablet pen with red ink. 1. My English teacher is so strict! Downloads
Preview and Download !Semicolons. To Connect . Sentences: A semicolon can be used to join two or more complete sentences (independent clauses). Example: Fred is a good typist; he makes few mistakes. In this sentence, the semicolon is used instead of a period. The example could be written as two Downloads
Preview and Download !COLONS AND SEMICOLONS The colon follows an independent clause (a complete statement) and introduces one of three things: a defining example, a list, or a quotation. • She had only one person to blame: herself. • A new menace threatens Eastern Canada: pollution. • To be physically healthy we need three things: ample rest, a good diet, and plenty of exercise. Downloads
Preview and Download !Semicolons The semicolon has three primary functions: 1) To combine two closely related complete sentences (independent clauses) which are not joined by a conjunction. 2) To separate complete sentences (independent clauses) that are joined by a conjunctive adverb. 3) To separate items in a list when commas alone would be confusing. Downloads
Preview and Download !Put in the appropriate semicolons:. 1. Exercising helps to keep you healthy and fit proper nutrition is also important. 2. I believe there are 3 things to achieving good grades: paying attention in class doing your homework and listening to the teacher. 3. I like going fishing I don’t like putting worms on hooks! 4. Downloads
Preview and Download !Directions: determine whether the clauses need to be joined with commas or semicolons. Put the proper punctuation on the blank. 1. The artist preferred to paint in oils ____ he did not like watercolors. 2. Even when the house looks clean ____ there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug. 3. I’m going to leave early today ____ unless ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Semicolons (practice quiz) Directions: Use a semicolon in the appropriate place to combine the following independent clauses. 1) I want to wear the red shirt my favorite color is red. 2) Janie easily got an A on the test she studies very hard. 3) I hope I get a lot of presents today is my birthday. 4) The war is imminent the armies are ready. Downloads
Preview and Download !Semicolons and Colons Semicolons (;) A semicolon is a form of punctuation that sorts out complex lists or links complete clauses. Sorting out a complex list: Place semicolons between items in lists if some items the list include commas. o My classmates are from Milwaukee, Wisconsin; St. Paul, Minnesota; Des Moines, Iowa; and Detroit, Michigan. Downloads
Preview and Download !NOW YOU PRACTICE! Correct each sentence by adding or remove a colon or semicolon. HINT: some sentences are already correct answers are at the bottom right corner. Downloads
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