students to blend sounds to figure out what he said. He can also only "understand" words when the student says them one sound at a time, which requires the child to segment sounds. For young children, this explanation of blending and segmenting tends to be very accessible. Instructional groups of 3 to 6 students are recommended. However, these Downloads
Preview and Download !Audio provided for all guidance, sounds, sounding out and blending, oral segmenting for spelling, words, sentences - as required Activities Example lesson 93 screenshots (These are a work-in-progress and included here only to give an indication of the content.) To learn the letter/s-sound correspondences of the Downloads
Preview and Download !introducing the 42 letter sounds, tricky words and alternative letter sounds, as well as supporting blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. The sample lesson plan slide below is for the letter sound /r/. It contains a variety of interactive slides—which include audio—with teacher’s notes for each slide. Downloads
Preview and Download !Letters and Sounds: Phase Two Summary Children entering Phase Two will have experienced a wealth of listening activities, including songs, stories and rhymes. They will be able to distinguish between speech sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. Some will also be able Downloads
Preview and Download !sounds to form nonwords. Segmenting Nonwords measures the ability to segment nonwords into phonemes. Segmenting Words —A word is spoken aloud to the student, and the student repeats the word, placing a clear pause between each phoneme (for ages 7 and older only). Phoneme Reversal When real words are read backwards to the student. Downloads
Preview and Download !Blending and Segmenting Focus Area: Phonemic Awareness - Blending and Segmenting Timing: 5-10 minutes Materials: Lists of words with 2, 3 and 4 phonemes Procedure for Teaching Blending: State instructions: “Listen, we’re going to play a say-the-word game.I’ll say a word Downloads
Preview and Download !Segmenting Sentences Word Sound Discrimination Sound Discrimination Pop Down Materials List of sound pairs – sample list below or use another list created by the teacher Activity After the teacher says a pair of sounds, students stay standing if the sounds are the same or “pop down” (sit down) if the sounds are different. 1. Downloads
Preview and Download !Segmenting Feeling Syllables Materials Sample words with one, two, three or four syllables Activity Students “feel” how their jaws move with each syllable of a word. 1. Explain to students that a syllable is one part of a word. Pronounce some sample words slowly and clearly, giving equal weight to each syllable (e.g., ta-ble, to-ma-to). 2. Downloads
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