and school bus stop and school bus safety. Each lesson builds upon each previous set of skills learned. All grades receive instruction in the five areas of pedestrian safety mentioned above. However, to promote developmentally appropriate teaching, the curriculum includes three divisions: kindergarten and first grade, Downloads
Preview and Download !Playing in water can be fun, but it can also be dangerous if kids don’t know the safety rules. These activities will help you teach your students all they need to know about water safety. Related KidsHealth Links ... recommended by educators, libraries, and school associations, has received the “Teachers’ Choice Award Downloads
Preview and Download !The long yard stick coming from the front of the school bus is a long metal bar that folds out from the front to the side of the school bus. It is called the crossbar. It makes you walk out far from the front of the school bus so that the driver can see you if you must cross the front of the school bus. 1. Identifying Danger Zones Downloads
Preview and Download !Elementary and middle school students: The teacher will take the materials from the pre-writing activity and help students look at safety from a global perspective. Students will look at an event that happened in the world that threatens our safety. The teacher will need to pick an event that is age appropriate. Here are a few examples: 9/11, Downloads
Preview and Download !Emotional Safety Plan Worksheet 1 of 4 Emotional Safety Plan Worksheet . Creating an emotional safety plan can help remind you or teach you how to take care of yourself. Healing from trauma takes time. It is normal for negative thoughts, emotions, flashbacks, nightmares, and other feelings to surface throughout the healing process. There is Downloads
Preview and Download !Teaching Touching Safety Rules: Safe and Unsafe Touching Kindergarten–Grade 5 Explain to your child that there are three kinds of touches. The three kinds of touches are: • Safe touches. These are touches that keep children safe and are good for them, and that make children feel cared for and important. Downloads
Preview and Download !number, or email address; allow kids to communicate freely with others; have things for older kids or adults. Extension Activity In groups, have students create a website traffic light poster. On a large sheet of paper, students draw a traffic light. Within each light, have students write tips to explain what a green, yellow, or red website is. Downloads
Preview and Download !Car and Bus Safety With schedules full of extracurricular activities, sports, and play dates, kids today have busy lives — and that means they spend a lot of time on the road. Whether kids are in a school bus or a car, they should always keep some basic safety tips in mind. These activities will help teach your students all about car and bus ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Bike Safety. Before your students pedal to a friend’s house, school, or the local pizzeria, they should know how to follow the rules of the road for bikers and wear helmets. These activities will help your students learn about bike safety and how to stay injury-free while riding bikes. Related KidsHealth Links. Articles for Kids: Articles for ... Downloads
Preview and Download !recommended by educators, libraries, and school associations, has received the Teachers’ Choice Award for the Family and the prestigious Pirelli Award for Best Educational Media for Students. KidsHealth comes Downloads
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