Reading and Math for K-5 © List of rhyming words Words that rhyme with gate-ate/-aight/-eat/-eight words date fate late crate plate skate create great Downloads
Preview and Download !3. When student completes activity ask him to cut words (with pictures) into individual cards. He should then try to match words that rhyme e.g. weep and sheep. 4. Show learner how to write a poem – encourage him to write rhyming couplets (or more) with rhyming words. E.g. It would really make me weep If I saw a scary sheep 5. Downloads
Preview and Download !Draw lines to match the words from the story with their meanings. 1. grass small furry animal 2. nodded large animal that makes milk 3. mouse moved head up and down 4. cow green plants that make up a lawn 5. laugh opposite of stop 6. go Ha, ha, ha! Super Teacher Worksheets - Downloads
Preview and Download !Name_____ Skill: Rhyming words 14 Circle all of the words that rhyme with the first word. clean mean bean leap dark shark card park stand hand fast band grow cow mow low tree knee start three nice kind rice mice eat cheat cold beat swing ring sing sew frog fog beep log smell tell ball spell ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Matching words that rhyme Kindergarten Rhyming Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Draw a line between the words that rhyme. hat tack tail wham sack rake snake fan slam fail man mat. Title: Kindergarten rhyming worksheet-3 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Downloads
Preview and Download !Matching words that rhyme Kindergarten Rhyming Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Draw a line between the words that rhyme. dad jail nail jam lake ball ham game fall make same lad. Title: Kindergarten rhyming worksheet-2 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Downloads
Preview and Download !Draw lines to match the words from the story with their meanings. 1. grass small furry animal 2. nodded large animal that makes milk 3. mouse moved head up and down 4. cow green plants that make up a lawn 5. laugh opposite of stop 6. go Ha, ha, ha! Super Teacher Worksheets - Downloads
Preview and Download !Do these two words rhyme: day, say? Correct response Yes, day and say rhyme. Incorrect response Day and say are rhyming words because we hear /ay/ in both words: /d-ay/, /s-ay/. Can you say day, say? I will say two words. Say the words aloud and tell me if they rhyme by saying yes or no. Words Correct Response Student Response Results 1. Downloads
Preview and Download !Cross out the word that does not rhyme. Name : Printable Worksheets @ Rhyming Words 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1) 6) beat right Downloads
Preview and Download !Rhyming words are words that sound the same at the ends, ... When a poem has rhyming words at the ends of lines, these are called “end rhymes.” Here is an example of end rhyme: My cat is n ice. My cat likes m ice. A “rhyme scheme” is a way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Each new Downloads
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