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Always ask yourself – what is on my profile and who can see it? KNOW YOUR FRIENDS, CONTACTS, AND FOLLOWERS. These are the people who can see, share, and comment on what you post so you want to be sure you can trust them. Block and report anyone who makes harassing, threatening, or inappropriate comments. KEEP AN EYE ON 3RD PARTY AND CONNECTED ... Downloads
Preview and Download !•(2) Develop new ways of Taking Care of yourself. •Recognize that you have legitimate needs and stressors, and that it’s completely acceptable to take care of yourself. •(3) Develop new ways of Relatingto others. •Be mindful of old, unhealthy patterns of communicating and practice new ways of relating to your family members. Downloads
Preview and Download !Note: To remove gloves without spreading germs, never touch your bare skin with the outside of either glove. 1 PINCH GLOVE Pinch the palm side of one glove near your wrist. Carefully pull the glove off so that it is inside out. 2 SLIP TWO FINGERS UNDER GLOVE Hold the glove in the palm of your gloved hand. Downloads
Preview and Download !As we conclude this Protecting God’s Children awareness session for adults, God is calling each one of us to make concrete changes to protect the children in our homes, churches, schools, and communities. I am committed to making the following changes in my approach to my parish, school, or community. Downloads
Preview and Download !Copy the Protect Yourself Student Handout, one for each student. Copy the All About Me Student Handout, one for each student. Preview the websites Neopets (, Nickelodeon (www., and BookAdventure ( and be prepared to show them to the class. Chalkboard or white board Estimated time: 45 minutes Downloads
Preview and Download !Follow these steps to more effectively establish healthy boundaries between yourself and others. First: Identify the symptoms of your boundaries currently being or having been violated or ignored. Second: Identify the irrational or unhealthy thinking and beliefs by which you allow your boundaries to be ignored or violated. Downloads
Preview and Download !their peers actively think about protecting their privacy online. If not, why do they think this is? 3Ask a few volunteers to describe the purpose of an online profile. Emphasize that while a profile is meant to be public, people often forget that giving the outside world access to personal details can have negative and potentially dangerous Downloads
Preview and Download !What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? Viét lai cå doan cÂU 5: Burning ghost money and offering at the grave of the ancestors are traditions that some people are still practicing. These are examples of magical thinking that became part of the culture of most Eastern Asian countries. Downloads
Preview and Download !Students’ answers on their worksheets and during discussion can give you a sense of their understanding. This answer guide provides possible answers for the “Investigating types of fraud and identity theft” worksheet. Keep in mind that students’ answers may vary. The Downloads
Preview and Download !their own personal safety. Educating yourself, as well as other adults in children’s’ care, on bullying, child abuse and child sexual abuse prevention and awareness, is essential to the safety of all children. The following are additional tips that can help you teach effective personal safety to children: 1. Downloads
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