Short A Sentences The man is sad. 4 Here is a bag. 8 I had a nap. 12 Here is the jam. 16 Downloads
Preview and Download !1.Point€to€the€cheese€(cottage€cheese,€ice€cream,€milk, pudding,€yogurt). Downloads
Preview and Download !206 Lesson 71: Practice Reading Multisyllable Words This lesson provides additional direct instruction and practice with multisyllable words. Remember Downloads
Preview and Download !Multisyllabic words are comprised of more than one syllable. These words contain vowel teams. Vowel teams are made up on more than 1 letter and represent a vowel sound. We will have to decide if we will divide the words before the consonant or after the consonant. If the word is a compound word, we will divide between the words.. 3 min. Downloads
Preview and Download !•Scoop multisyllabic words and mark up syllable type •Spell words in syllable boxes •Sort words – ive (long /ī/) vs. ive (short /i/) vs. ive (suffix)̆ •Find words where s says the /z/ sound Unit 7 Open Syllable – The vowel can say its name because there is nothing closing it in. Downloads
Preview and Download !©2012 Curriculum Associates, LLC i-Ready Tools for Instruction Phonics I Level 3 Multisyllabic Words: Three to Five Syllables Page 2 of 3 Building a Word Chunk by Chunk continued • After adding several affixes, cover all the words, say the longest word, and challenge students to write it. Downloads
Preview and Download !21 by Reading Horions 73 Review Activities Lesson Week 35 Building Words Review Activity for Spelling Lesson Week 35 Practicing Multi-Syllabic Words Downloads
Preview and Download !words with ease, move to the next activity on reading multisyllabic words. MODEL AND TEACH: ACTIVITY 2 MULTISYLLABIC WORD READING STRATEGY DECODING Write napkin and department on the board. Model and teach the strategy for reading multisyllabic words: 1. Find the vowels in the word. 2. Look for syllables or word parts you know. 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Word Sort- Multisyllabic Words with R-Controlled Vowels_PDF Created Date: 10/6/2017 9:16:15 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !pattern in multisyllabic words. Multi-syllable Words with Silent e: 1. How many vowels in the word? (Use fingers to show) 2. Are the vowels together or apart? (Use hands to show) (When vowels are together, they usually represent one vowel sound. Vowel teams work together to make one syllable. Downloads
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