confronted. From NeuronUP we rely on cognitive stimulation to work memory as a preventive method. In the following document, we share with you 5 exercises developed by NeuronUP to work on memory with adults and children. “Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us” Exercises to work memory w w w . n e u r o n u p . u s Downloads
Preview and Download !Memory has been written to add some structure to that challenge and to reduce possible factors which may interfere with your client’s attempts to reestablish her skills. There are two main factors underlying all the exercises in WALC 10. 1. To initially make all of the processes involved with memory highly intentional. Downloads
Preview and Download !Memory of being criticized by boss AUTOMATIC THOUGHT(S) I should be able to do this on my own. AUTOMATIC THOUGHT(S) What if I run out of money? AUTOMATIC THOUGHT(S) I should have tried harder. EMOTION Sad EMOTION Anxious EMOTION Sad MEANING OF A.T. I’m a failure. MEANING OF A.T. I’m a failure. MEANING OF A.T. I’m a failure. BEHAVIOR ... Downloads
Preview and Download !b. Episodic memory is a long-term memory system that stores in-formation about specific events or episodes related to one’s own life. 1. episodic memory is used to recall past events, such as a movie you saw last week, the dinner you ate last night, the name of the book your friend recommended, or a birthday party you attended. Downloads
Preview and Download !Memory – activities that encourage recall of information immediately after presentation and following a delay Problem Solving (reasoning) – activities that stimulate thinking through problems to find solutions. Downloads
Preview and Download !LEARNING & MEMORY 2 Overview This 38-page document contains an introduction to the resource, background information on learning and memory strategies, a summary of research on undergraduate student metacognition with regard to these strategies, and a collection of classroom demonstrations that allows students Downloads
Preview and Download !Types of Memory • Long-term (remote): memory for old, well-learned information that has been . rehearsed (used) over time, such as the name of a childhood pet, memories of vacations, or where you went to high school. Long-term memory tends to remain after injury or illness. • Short-term (recent): memory for new things that took place a few Downloads
Preview and Download !Repeat instructions as needed as this is not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within three minutes. Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: “What were the three words I asked you to remember?” Record the word list version number and the person’s answers below. Downloads
Preview and Download !Using the memory techniques you have learned, think of a good way to remember what you need to take home from school tonight to do your homework: your math book, language arts book, history book, and an art project from the art room. Draw and/or describe your memory strategy here (the sillier the better): Downloads
Preview and Download !Using the memory techniques you have learned, think of a good way to remember what you need to take home from school tonight to do your homework: your math book, language arts book, history book, and an art project from the art room. Draw and/or describe your memory Downloads
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