•A canonically analytic language is Mandarin hinese. Note that properties such ... •If a language is hard to classify as one of the four main types, it may be considered “mixed.” The properties that distinguish these types may in fact be gradient rather than categorical.
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Preview and Download !To introduce my seventh and eighth grade Introduction to Foreign Language students to basic greetings, farewell, courtesy words, and basic phrases in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean. After two days of practicing each language, the students will pair up and create a very short dialogue in one of the three languages.
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Preview and Download !6 Chinese Pinyin Level 1English Level 2 下面 xiàmian below/under R 前面 qiánmian in front (of) R 左边 zuǒbian left 右边 yòubian right Food and drink 牛肉 niúròu beef R R 鸡肉 jīròu chicken meat R R 汽水 qìshuǐ fizzy drink R R 牛奶 niúnǎi milk R R 水 shuǐ water R R 汉堡包 hànbǎobāo hamburger R R ...
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Preview and Download !Chinese language The popularity of Mandarin Chinese has been driven by several factors: China’s increasing global economy means people doing business on an international basis are likely to encounter Mandarin speakers. The opening ceremony on the 2008 Beijing Olympics attracted tourism to China and heightened interested in Mandarin Chinese.
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Preview and Download !When I started learning Mandarin, I needed to say the word “target” or “goal”, as I’d often describe my milestone three-month goal in the language. This word in Mandarin is pronounced mùbiāo. This doesn’t look or sound anything like its English equivalent.
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Preview and Download !born, 23% do not speak English well, and 72.5% speak a language other than English at home, and 53% live in the western U.S.” (Lui, 2005, p. 65). Although China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan hold the vast majority of the Chinese-speaking
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Preview and Download !The Tones of Mandarin Chinese "Chinese is a tonal language." This sentence has confounded millions of you, no doubt. To clarify, we don't mean that pronouncing the same word, or character, in different tones affects its meaning. Instead, we mean that the tone for each Chinese character is, for lack of a better word, assigned.
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Preview and Download !student worksheets and other resources that are commonly provided in teachers’ manuals. This version : Haidan Wang Review of Working Mandarin for Beginners Language Learning & Technology 57 also includes several other useful packages, which will be elaborated in the following section. The CD for the student’s edition contains only audio ...
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Preview and Download !Year 4 Mandarin Language Learning From Home: Week 9 - 11 This timetable below outlines the teaching and learning program for the remainder of Term 1 for Mandarin class. Students in year 4 have been learning Mandarin from the beginning of week 3 this term.
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Preview and Download !Grade 5&6 - China Geography Lesson 3 Chinese Worksheet Activity 1. What do you already know about China? Create a mind map about China with information along with illustrations, diagrams or supporting pictures and drawing about major aspects of China.
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