Invertebrates. Echinoderms. Spiny skinned Body in five parts Central mouth with respiratory gills. Invertebrates. Arthropods. Hard exo-sekeleton on outside of body Has eyes and mouth Body divided into more than one segment Crustaceans Arachnids. Insects. Centipedes & Millipedes. Animals. Vertebrates. Mammals. Fish. Reptiles. Amphibians. Downloads
Preview and Download !31—Invertebrates D Insects go through a metamorphosis, which means that they undergo drastic changes duringtheirlifecycle.18Todevelopandgrow, an 19insect must molt. Since the exoskeleton cannot grow, the insect molts, or sheds this outer covering,andthengrowsalargerexoskeleton. Some insects go through an incomplete Downloads
Preview and Download !T. Trimpe 2007 Invertebrate Matching Cards Print on card stock and store in a Ziploc bag. Starfish Snail Sea Urchin Downloads
Preview and Download !about invertebrates to review and elaborate on what students have learned. Some possible books are: o Classifying Invertebrates (Classifying Living Things) by Francine Galko o Animals Without Backbones (Big Science Ideas) by Bobbie Kalman 4. Optional Activities: Compare and contrast two or three different invertebrates in a Venn diagram. Downloads
Preview and Download !Animals with no backbone are called invertebrates. Mollusks soft body with a shell Arthropods exoskelton and jointed legs Annelids (worms) long, segmented body Cnidaria live in water, have stinging cells Echinoderms live in water, radial symmetry, have spines or spiny skin Porifera spongy, live in water sea sponge jellyfish snail cricket Downloads
Preview and Download !1 Invertebrate Identification Guide Florida International University Aquatic Ecology Lab Prepared September 2006 by Tish Robertson, Brooke Sargeant, and Raúl Urgellés Downloads
Preview and Download !Vertebrates and Invertebrates Printable Worksheets @ Name : 1) What are the two main classi!cations of the animal kingdom? Vertebrates and invertebrates 3) What are the classi!cations of vertebrates? Vertebrates are mainly classi!ed into !ve groups: birds, !sh, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Downloads
Preview and Download !Invertebrates and Algae. 2 Chapter 4: Taxonomy Section at End 1. What are some differences between Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea? 2. Plant and animals are in Domain Eukarya. How do the cells of plants and animals differ from the cells of organisms in Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea? 3. Define the term “Biological Species”. Downloads
Preview and Download !Compare/illustrate/classify the characteristic structures of vertebrates and invertebrates • Summarize/identify/classify basic functions of structures for defense, movement, and resource obtainment • Compare responses of cold-blooded (ectothermic) and warm-blooded (endothermic) organisms to Downloads
Preview and Download !Invertebrates: ant, octopus, spider, butterfly, starfish, earthworm, lobster Super Teacher Worksheets - ant spider elephant chicken butterfly earthworm shark turtle snake octopus starfish frog human lizard lobster . ant spider elephant chicken Downloads
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