Chapter 9 CERC, Social Media, and Mobile Media Devices 289 Worksheet 9–1: Social Media Communications Strategy Worksheet Use this worksheet to help you strategize about your audience, and the potential social media tools and channels you may want to use for your campaign or communication activity. 1. Determine your target audience. a. Downloads
Preview and Download !This guide was created with you in mind. Use the “Social Media Strategy Worksheet” to get your gears turning with interactive, fill-in-the-blank sections designed to help you plan and take action on social. Let’s figure out where you are with social media, where you’d like to be, and how you can get there. Let’s do social! Downloads
Preview and Download !colleagues on social media. If you use social media to advertise or share information related to your professional practice, you must make sure it is fair, true and evidence-based as far as you know. You should declare any conflict of interest around material that you post, including information about financial or commercial dealings. Downloads
Preview and Download !Youth use social media to express a range of behaviors and emotions. While some of these behaviors and experiences are common among the general teen population – face-to-face arguments, friendships ending, getting into trouble at school – high-risk youth also use social media to provoke physical violence. This behavior is exhibited in Downloads
Preview and Download !Keep social media use in perspective. Agency business use of social media, including professional networking, should further WSDOT’s mission and values. If an employee is authorized to use social media as part of their job duties, be sure use meets your supervisor’s expectations and is targeted to those duties. Professional use of social media Downloads
Preview and Download !Exercise 2: Find the S.M.A.R.T. criteria In the good examples on this page, find the parts that make the goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely Downloads
Preview and Download !Social Media Strategy Worksheet Before you jump into social media, take a few minutes to develop a strategy and a plan for creating content and developing your presence. Answering the questions below, use this worksheet to gather some information about yourself, your target audience, and your message. Downloads
Preview and Download !What does success on social media look like for you? Goal: Participants actively reflect on why they are using social media for their business and learn about defining goals by listening to the answers given by other participants. Participants and the workshop facilitator learn about shared goals within the group as well as unusual approaches ... Downloads
Preview and Download !• Connect your social media presence with traditional marketing efforts • Use word of mouth to spread the word about your new account • Use an existing account to promote a new account Title: Microsoft Word - Social Media Strategy Worksheet 2 li[1].docx Created Date: Downloads
Preview and Download !Research and social media Yingxia, Ajjan, and Hong, (2013) in their research found that the higher the perceived risk of using social media utilization, the less likely faculty will use the technology to support in-class instructions frequently. They also found that social media use has a positive effect on student’s learning outcomes Downloads
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