• Discuss an article about brain research with your students. The article can be found here.xvii Have students write a letter giving advice to a friend who is struggling based on what they learned from the article. • Help students develop a growth mindset by learning about neuroscience. Watch this 2-minute
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Preview and Download !Grow Your Mindset: Now consider the idea that they just used better strategies, taught themselves more, practiced harder, and worked their way through obstacles. You can do . that too, if you want to. 3. Are there situations where you get stupid – where you disengage your intelligence?
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Preview and Download !Great Minds Together- Growth mindset program ACTIVITY 4- THE TREE Just like a tree needs strong roots and support in order for it to stand tall, so do humans.
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Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets Access to thousands of worksheets and printable materials on Super Teacher Worksheets. They offer math worksheets, ... and grow. It is paced with more than ctivities, and worksheets that help inspire imaginations while teaching essential skills. Make & Print Tools
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Preview and Download !There is a part that controls the others: the brain Brain More Brain facts: The left part of the brain is good at language and maths and the right at art and music Your brain keeps working when you are sleeping, so the heart keeps beating and the lungs breathing An average brain weighs about 1.4 kgs and men have larger brains than
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Preview and Download !TEBSSF.CO The Personal Growth Plan is a tool to help you map out what you want to change so you can actually make it happen. Use this worksheet to map out the habits, behavior, attitude, and
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Preview and Download !Explore all of your experiences, and the opportunities that you’ve had to grow and develop. This includes your education, aptitudes, personality factors, and interests. Ask yourself the following questions: • What are you really good at? • What skills do others recognize in you, and what do you get rewarded for?
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Preview and Download !mindset. According to brain-based research, “the brain is constantly creating and destroying neural pathways, forming the thought and behavior patterns our brain uses to make decisions, choose actions, and present us to the outside world. The pathways that are used get stronger and those that are under-used grow weak and are eventually
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Preview and Download !work, but it’s your brain that finds the words in what looks like a bunch of mixed up letters. In fact, your brain does a lot -- and all the words in this puzzle are things you couldn’t do without it! See how many brain activities you can find and circle. The words can read
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Preview and Download !In short, with Neurobics you can grow your own brain food—without drugs or diet. The word Neurobics is a deliberate allusion to physical exer-cise. Just as the ideal forms of physical exercise emphasize using many different muscle groups to enhance coordination and flexi-
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