you’ve been asking for and attracting into your life. The Wheel of Abundance will help you focus on your goal in a positive way. It teaches you that if you’re able to change the way you think and be grateful for your achievements, you can bring success into any part of your life. Self-Discovery YOUR JOURNEY OF Wheel of Abundance Having trouble? Downloads
Preview and Download !applies to you, and then practice the relevant exercises during the session. 2. You can read relevant chapters after a session, to build on what you have experienced or learned during the session. Whichever way you do it, the worksheets from the free resources section can be very helpful; use them as you are reading the relevant chapter. Downloads
Preview and Download !You can make a difference and have a huge impact on the world. Whether you are amazing at drawing, teaching, accounting, cooking, building, photography, organizing, dancing, web design, singing, writing, managing, etc., you can use your skills and talents to help make a difference and help those around you and make the world a better place. Downloads
Preview and Download !found a lump that concerns us. We would like to schedule you for a test to take a sample for a biopsy.” After the initial shock, my reaction is: Mostly Somewhat Realistic Somewhat Mostly Pessimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Optimistic 8. Considering all the above, my nature is probably: Downloads
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Preview and Download !You may also be thinking of what role your Higher Power will play in your future and how it will be different. Read more about step 2 & a power greater than ourselves. Step 3 Focus of step 3: This step brings together what we learned in working on the previous two. We should now have an idea of why our lives are unmanageable and how we Downloads
Preview and Download !Everybody has them. Everybody. In this chapter, you will learn the tools that you can take with you throughout your life to overcome obstacles as they come up. And they will come up. Life has ups and downs – that’s what makes it life. Some days will be good, and some will be not so good, but overall, it’s about how you handle these challenges. Downloads
Preview and Download !This worksheet is not designed to become a 'to do' list for you, nor are you to feel obligated to fulfill anything listed here. The purpose of this worksheet is for you to capture a better view of your most important likes, interests, and values you will use to help guide you through current and future decisions. Downloads
Preview and Download !you are respectful. Plan Ahead. Think about what you want to say, and how you will say it, before entering a difficult discussion. This can help you feel more confident about your position. Compromise. When appropriate, listen and consider the needs of the other person. You never . have. to compromise, but give-and-take is part of any healthy relationship. Downloads
Preview and Download !worksheets on their one year anniversary and notice how far they have come in their understanding of the disease of alcoholism/addiction. You don't have to show these worksheets to anyone--they are to help you understand your personal experience with alcohol or drugs. However, you will probably want to discuss with your sponsor Downloads
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