Expand Your Vocabulary la charcuterie le cinéma la ferme l’immeuble (m.) le jardin la laverie la librairie deli movie theatre farm apartment building garden laundromat bookstore la lycée le palais de congrès le palais de justice la station d’essence le supermarché l’usine (f.) le zoo high school convention centre courthouse gas station
https://url.theworksheets.com/2nj8100 Downloads
Preview and Download !Answers Present Tense (1) 1. je casse. 2. il travaille. 3. je termine. 4. tu commences. 5. tu dessines. 6. tu regardes. 7. tu pousses.
https://url.theworksheets.com/h6b286 Downloads
Preview and Download !Expand Your Vocabulary la barbe la cuisse la dent l’épaule (f.) les fesses (f.) le foie le genou la gorge la hanche beard thigh tooth shoulder butt liver knee throat hip la joue le menton la moustache l’ongle (m.) l’os (m.) la peau le pouce le rein le sang cheek chin moustache nail bone skin thumb kidney blood
https://url.theworksheets.com/89d190 Downloads
Preview and Download !Expand Your Vocabulary agréable blond(e) bon marché bronzé bruyant(e) cher / chère clair(e) pleasant; enjoyable blonde inexpensive, cheap tan noisy, loud expensive; dear light [colour tone] foncé lent(e) méchant(e) ouvert d’esprit rapide sportif / sportive timide dark [colour tone] slow mean, un-kind open-minded fast athletic shy
https://url.theworksheets.com/d7r210 Downloads
Preview and Download !www.QCFrench.com – Copyright 2014 Family & Human Relationships Family Members le beau-père le beau-fils la belle-famille la belle-mère la belle-sœurle cousin
https://url.theworksheets.com/ctt149 Downloads
Preview and Download !• ML_French_Lesson_10.mp3 (Time: 2:05) (File Size: 1.90 MB) ... Lesson 1: Vocabulary 1 (Parts of the Day/Personal Pronouns) Le jour The day Le soir The evening La nuit The night Midi Noon A midi At noon Le matin In the morning L’après-midi The after noon
https://url.theworksheets.com/2sxf800 Downloads
Preview and Download !Expand Your Vocabulary la bague le blouson la boucle d’oreille le chemisier l’écharpe (f.) l’imperméable (m.) la manche ring jacket [outdoors] earring blouse scarf raincoat sleeve la poche le pull les sous-vêtements (m.) le soutien-gorge la taille le tee-shirt la tong pocket sweater underwear bra size t-shirt flip-flop
https://url.theworksheets.com/71m160 Downloads
Preview and Download !QCFrench.com www.QCFrench.com – Copyright 2014 General Food & Drink Terms Nouns les boissons (f.) le bonbon le café le chocolat les épices (f.)
https://url.theworksheets.com/762295 Downloads
Preview and Download !Page 4 of 5 Unit 1 Test your French G Draw a circle around: La première voiture. La septième voiture. La troisième voiture. La cinquième voiture. H Fill in the gap to show the order of the cars in the race. Start with the car which is coming first. 1. La première voiture est numéro cinq. 2. La _____ voiture est numéro _____. 3.
https://url.theworksheets.com/9ng225 Downloads
Preview and Download !2. Recite the alphabet with French pronunciation and use letters to spell aloud names and vocabulary words. 3. Use French to communicate classroom related needs and personal interests, positive and negative forms. 4. Students will access websites that teach French pronunciation and vocabulary. 5. Use French numbers 0-30 for counting and telling ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/1m1s151 Downloads
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