Root words First Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Suffixes are added to the end of a root or base word. Below write the correct suffix after each word and then write the root word in the last column. Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word dented -ed dent playing -ing play facts -s fact wishes -es wish Downloads
Preview and Download !Root words First Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Suffixes are added to the end of a root or base word. Below write the correct suffix after each word and then write the root word in the last column. Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word wolves -ves wolf yards -s yard ending -ing end buses -es bus Downloads
Preview and Download !Answers: Boxes Base word Suffix Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word bells -s bell worked -ed work trees -s tree looking -ing look mixed -ed mix Downloads
Preview and Download !Base word Suffix Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word crows -s crow leaves -ves leaf honked -ed honk eating -ing eat kites -s kite spelling -ing spell Root words Grade 1 Vocabulary Worksheet Reading and Math for K-5 © Downloads
Preview and Download !Answers: Boxes Base word Suffix Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word pies -s pie rushed -ed rush foxes -es fox learning -ing learn fires -s fire Downloads
Preview and Download !Answers: Boxes Base word Suffix Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word stacking -ing stack hills -s hill knives -ves knife mashed -ed mash building -ing build Downloads
Preview and Download !Printable Worksheets @ Name : Answer key A) Write the root in each of the words with prefixes. 1) transport 2) unequal 3) preschool 4) recycle 5) semicircle 6) millimeter B) Write the root in each of the words with suffixes. 1) cooking 2) peaceful 3) jumped 4) wooden 5) sweetness 6) worker port equal school cycle circle meter cook peace jump wood Downloads
Preview and Download !1st Grade Prefix Suffix Definition Examples Origin Additional Information-s,-es plural, more than one hats, pigs, boxes, wishes Anglo-Saxon-ing action/ process helping, skipping, running, seeing, thinking Anglo-Saxon Present participle of verb-ed past tense jumped, helped Anglo-Saxon Past tense verb 2nd Grade (Please review affixes from prior grade.) Downloads
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Preview and Download !root-word-worksheets-5th-grade 2/5 Downloaded from on August 7, 2022 by guest word-learning strategies and create engaging, word-rich classrooms. Instructional activities and games for diverse learners are brought to life with detailed examples. Drawing on the most rigorous research available, Downloads
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