Title: Periods, question marks and exclamation marks Worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 Punctuation worksheet: Periods, question marks and exclamation marks
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Preview and Download !Ending punctuation Worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 Punctuation worksheet: Ending punctuation Keywords: punctuation, ending punctuation, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet Created Date: 1/29/2019 12:10:04 PM
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Preview and Download !Grade 1 Grammar Worksheet Answer 1. I have an apple a pear a sandwich and a granola bar in my lunch. I have an apple, a pear, a sandwich and a granola bar in my lunch. 2. Nick likes to play soccer baseball and hockey. Nick likes to play soccer, baseball and hockey. 3. Natasha has one older sister one younger sister and a brother.
https://url.theworksheets.com/1cru89 Downloads
Preview and Download !8 PUNCTUATION Plural nouns take only an apostrophe if the word ends in s. my grandparents’ house (The house belongs to both my grandparents.) If a plural noun does not end in s, add an apostrophe and s. the team’s bus (The bus belongs to the team.) Shared possessives (possession is shared by more than one noun) take an apostrophe and s on the last noun only, unless the nouns do not share ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/78m656 Downloads
Preview and Download !See if you can make a sentence with the words below. The first word of a sentence begins with a capital letter. There is a period at the end of the sentence. The period looks like a dot. The first sentence is done for you. Example: M other is afraid of snakes . 1. Snakes 2. crawl on the ground 3. One snake 4. crawled under my bed
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Preview and Download !Get Ready for First Grade Say Short Vowels * Spell Out Short Vowel Words * Write the Short Vowel Words * Spell Out the Silent "E" * Long Vowel Review * Write the Long Vowel Words * Digraph Sound Review * Digraph Sound Review #2 * Beginning Blends Review * Ending Blends Review * Underwater Mystery Color by Word * Jungle Mystery Color by Word *
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Preview and Download !Title: punctuation-cut-and-paste1 Created Date: 5/6/2019 4:16:15 PM
https://url.theworksheets.com/6gjl116 Downloads
Preview and Download !Punctuation can be used to connect groups of words. The punctuation marks that do this are: the colon (:), the semicolon (;), and the dash (–). Read each sentence below, and write another sentence using the same punctuation marks. Remember: • A colon is used to introduce a list, a quotation or a second clause that makes the first
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Preview and Download !(1) who was the first person to land on the moon (2) i hope the christmas holidays come soon (3) stop hitting me (3) i live just off smethwick high street, in the west midlands (4) my g.p. is called dr. singh (5) is it going to be august soon (6) does david cameron work for queen elizabeth (7) stop it watch what you’re doing
https://url.theworksheets.com/3u1091 Downloads
Preview and Download !5. will young won the first ever pop idol competition pete waterman was a judge 6. manchester united have won my trophies 7. the beatles claimed they were more famous than god 8. the great wall of china was built by shih huang ti his title was first emperor of china 9. the mediterranean sea is a favourite holiday destination for british ...
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