Multiple muscles and multiple parts or heads (head = a separate belly and origin) exist to distribute (as opposed to concentrate) stresses on bones and to provide movement diversity. Fascicle & fiber arrangement: Parallel arrangement, e.g., strap or spindle arrangement, fibers/fascicles arranged parallel to the tendon of insertion. Downloads
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Preview and Download !2 Disciplines of Anatomy • Anatomy is a relatively broad science because it can be divided into various disciplines. – Gross Anatomy (macroscopic): Study of stuff seen by the naked eye. – Microscopic Anatomy: Study of stuff seen ONLY with the microscope.Includes: • Histology – Study of tissues Downloads
Preview and Download !Personal Development Plan | Mind Tools v skills you need for a satisfying and successful career. Popular tools like SWOT and PEST Analysis, and techniques like setting SMART goals, are all part of it. Downloads
Preview and Download !Computer hardware includes all the electrical, mechanical, and the electronic parts of a computer. Any part that we can see or touch is the hard ware. Computer hardware includes Computer hardware includes 3 System Unit 3 Peripheral devices 3 Input devices i.e. keyboard, mouse etc. 3 Output devices i.e. Display Unit, printer etc. Downloads
Preview and Download !3 Topics you will explore include: n Computer Systems n Supercomputer n Mainframe n Personal n Computer Platforms n Hardware Components n System Unit n CPU n Primary Memory n Expansion Ports n Peripheral Devices n Secondary Storage Options n Magnetic n Solid State n Optical n Input Devices n Output Devices n Networks n LAN n WAN n Internet Computer Hardware Chapter 39 88394_CH03_Savage.indd 39 ... Downloads
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Preview and Download !The Raptor provides a mechanism for copying the data on the internal drive to an external storage device, in such a way that it can be restored to the deck in the event of data loss. 1. Plug in your external drive. Note it should be formatted as: Mac HFS (only if you have MacDrive; see page 43) NTFS (best) or FAT32 2. Pull down the File menu. 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Case contains the brains of your computer that processes information, including the central processing unit (CPU) and other parts Monitor displays information on a screen Printer puts text and images from the computer onto paper Modem/Router sends a network signal to the computer; used ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Worksheets for planning 57 D29 Week 3 Lessons 5 and 6 Activity 5 Packaging a product: (nature of product depends on design/ properties of packaging) Packaging: mass- production of gift bags Rubric Teacher assessment according to criteria sheet 58 59 D30 A_S&M_Gr8_TG_final.indd 6 2013/07/02 2:20 PM Downloads
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