If your child sees a gun, he or she should follow the basic safety measures of the Eddie Eagle ® Elementary Gun Safety Education Program: STOP!, DON’T Touch, LEAVE the Area, TELL an Adult. This four-step message is explained to children using activity books, a poster, and a short animated video. The Eddie Eagle ® Elementary Gun Safety Education
https://url.theworksheets.com/6gvp88 Downloads
Preview and Download !Gun violence overall carries an annual cost to the U.S. health care system of $170 billion, with $16 billion for . surgical operations alone. 3. In addition, there is a high . psychological and emotional cost to firearm injuries. Children and youth who are exposed to gun violence experience lasting emotional scars, some developing
https://url.theworksheets.com/7t7x81 Downloads
Preview and Download !brochure, "A Parents' Guide to Gun Safety," has more information on how parents can keep their children safe. For more information about the program and additional resources, including a parents' guide to gun safety, visit For specific questions and eddieeagle.nra.org eddieeagle@nrahq.org inquiries, contact the Eddie Eagle Department at or
https://url.theworksheets.com/4zfw143 Downloads
Preview and Download !Preventing School Shootings: A Guide for Educators and Law Enforcement. This guide provides practical recommendations and resources for preventing, preparing for, and responding to school shootings, based on the latest research and best practices. It covers topics such as threat assessment, mental health, communication, and recovery.
https://url.theworksheets.com/7t7y58 Downloads
Preview and Download !Creating School Active Shooter/Intruder Drills Keeping our school campuses safe from active shooters or intruders is one component of a school emergency plan. Part of being prepared is planning safety drills. The type of drills or exercises your school conducts should map on to your school emergency operations plan.
https://url.theworksheets.com/4zhf143 Downloads
Preview and Download !Gun Safety Spelling Worksheets Touch If you ever find a gun laying around, don't touch it, and tell an adult right away. You should always assume any gun you find is real and loaded, until an adult tells you otherwise. Leave If you're ever around a friend who wants to play with a gun, leave the area immediately and tell an adult.
https://url.theworksheets.com/7bl764 Downloads
Preview and Download !A bullet is the projectile that fires from the gun. Many kids don't realize that bullets can be dangerous even without a gun. If a bullet is held to a heat source or struck in a way that makes a spark, a bullet can fire all on its own! Nearby If you're ever around a friend who wants to play with a gun, leave the area immediately and tell an adult.
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Preview and Download !6. For children under the age of 13, gun homicides most frequently occur in the home. a. True b. False 7. Gun owners were three times more likely to have a gun stolen if they carried the gun within the last month. a. True b. False 8. Law enforcement, military, and hunting/outdoor groups are effective at communicating _____. a. Firearm training b.
https://url.theworksheets.com/6gvv176 Downloads
Preview and Download !brochure, "A Parents' Guide to Gun Safety," has more information on how parents can keep their children safe. For more information about the program and additional resources, including a parents' guide to gun safety, visit eddieeagle.nra.org. For specific questions and inquiries, contact the Eddie Eagle Department at eddieeagle@nrahq.org or
https://url.theworksheets.com/4zg0174 Downloads
Preview and Download !b. keeping a gun and ammunition locked up and stored c. keeping a gun locked, unloaded, and storing ammuni- tion in a locked and separate location d. in a hiding place that only you know 23. What is the appropriate thing to do if you see a gun in school? a. report it to the school police b. report it anonymously to the school principal
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