work together to make the Earth feel good - from planting trees to using both sides of the paper, to saving energy and reusing old things in new ways. Earth Day, Birthday! It's April 22, and Lion and his friends want to plant trees, recycle bottles, and have fun on Earth Day. But not Monkey. He wants to celebrate his birthday. Can Downloads
Preview and Download !Earth Day Network is committed to proactively be part of the solution and has created this Plastic Pollution Primer and Action Toolkit to support anyone who wants to contribute too. Our experience of almost 50 years has taught us that people care about their communities and will act to resolve Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - Make an Earth Day Mascot With Arms and Legs that Move Step 1: Color the mascot’s parts. Step 2: Cut out the body, arms, and legs. Step 3: Attach the arms and legs with brass paper fasteners. Downloads
Preview and Download !Keeping with our earth day theme lets take a look at the top ten waste producing states. Top ten waste producing states-5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 ... Both worksheets follow our earth day theme and can be found at the Scholastic website under a lesson called Bars, Lines, & Pies! We are using some Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - 400310 Name: _____ 1. Complete the following sentences with information from the article. Seventy percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in _____. ... What causes night and day on Earth? a. The rotation of Earth. b. Earth orbiting the sun. c. The moon moving around Earth. d. Downloads
Preview and Download !International Mother Earth Day International Mother Earth Day, on 22 April, promotes harmony with nature and reminds us of the importance of protecting all the different ecosystems and species on our planet. Read the article to find out more. Before reading . Do the preparation task first. Then read the article and do the exercises. Preparation ... Downloads
Preview and Download !The park was closed for the day. 4. What three things did Miranda do at the senior center? • planted trees • picked up litter • learned about recycling 5. Explain how Miranda's feelings about Earth Day changed in this story. At the beginning, she didn't care much about Earth Day. After spending the day Downloads
Preview and Download !April 22 is Earth Day. Earth Day is a celebration that started in the United States in 1970. On this day, people think about the environmental problems of the planet and what we can do to reduce those problems. Exercise 1: Environmental problems How many types of environmental problems can you name? Can you think of any solutions to Downloads
Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - ANSWER KEY The Inner Solar System By Leslie Cargile 1. How does the size of Mercury compare to Earth? a. Mercury is 18 times the size of Earth b. Mercury is the size of Earth. c. Earth is the size of Mercury. d. Earth is 18 times smaller than Mercury. 2. Downloads
Preview and Download !_____ The inner core of Earth is about nine hundred degrees Fahrenheit. _____ The inner core of Earth is made of liquid iron and nickel. _____ Earth’s mantle lies directly below the inner core. 5. Explain how scientists believe Earth’s four layers were formed. Downloads
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