cultures. Bring in rice noodles, lemongrass stalks, and other Asian food items from a specialty market to show students. Extend by asking questions that involve the take-out menu. For these questions, you can incorporate tips (at 10%, for example) for the delivery person. Discuss other ways in which ordering take-out Downloads
Preview and Download !The World Geography and Cultures Reading Essentials and Note-Taking Guide is designed to help you use recognized reading strategies to improve your reading-for-information skills. For each section of the student textbook, you are alerted to key content. Then, you are asked to draw from Downloads
Preview and Download !to how different cultures across the world celebrate the Christmas holiday! You can easily insert this unit wherever Christmas falls within your school year. It covers 9 different countries across the globe and includes fun hands-on activities, recipes, and cultural traditions! Make ornaments for an International Christmas Tree! Downloads
Preview and Download !World Civilizations and Cultures The Indus Valley The Harappan or Indus Civilization The fertility of the Indus Valley lured farmers to the river's banks in about 2500 B.C. The people who lived along the Indus River developed one of the world's first great urban civilizations. Archae- Downloads
Preview and Download !For different cultures there are different practises used when a person dies. Generally deaths are marked by burial ceremonies, funerals, memorial services and wakes where people speak of their memories of the person who has passed on. However, the format of these practises differs from culture to culture. Downloads
Preview and Download !Archaeology is the scientific study of past cultures. Scientists study past cultures by analyzing material evidence, or things they left behind. Archaeology is important because we can study human behavior and culture based on the evidence we find and recover from the past. Downloads
Preview and Download !close connections in many African cultures. Today, Drum Talk may be used as part of a ceromonies which include dance, rituals and story telling and use drums such as pressure drums and slit gongs for these purposes. Good listening skills are taught when children are very small, so that the music of each group can survive through the ages. Downloads
Preview and Download !While you have been learning about all of the ancient civilizations, discovering the first cultures in the Americas gives you a foundation for our modern world. Understanding the history of the continent you live on will help you understand where some of the foods and activities you enjoy came from. Teachers Downloads
Preview and Download !Make the point that all cultures tend to focus on their own culture or region and often see themselves as the “center” of the world. However, this is even more the . Culture-More Activities, ©Mukhopadhyay. 2006, p. 3 3 case with powerful, dominant, world cultures. These cultures also tend to make Downloads
Preview and Download !Different Cultures Amy’s school needed to have a fundraiser so they could earn money to buy more computers. Amy knew that many of her classmates' families were from different countries around the world. They had many special traditions, spoke many different languages, and ate many different types of foods. Amy had a brilliant idea for a ... Downloads
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