World Geography & Ancient Civilizations Page 6 ANCIENT EGYPT—APX. 22 DAYS This unit will focus on: • The legacies left by ancient civilizations, and their impact on our society • How cultures and cultural groups in ancient civilizations contributed to world history • How technology and ideas from ancient civilizations impacted world history Downloads
Preview and Download !World Civilizations and Cultures The Indus Valley The Harappan or Indus Civilization The fertility of the Indus Valley lured farmers to the river's banks in about 2500 B.C. The people who lived along the Indus River developed one of the world's first great urban civilizations. Archae- Downloads
Preview and Download !CBA: Enduring Cultures Required GLE Suggested Examples HISTORY 4.2.2 Understands and analyzes how cultures and cultural groups in ancient civilizations contributed to world history. • Explains how Mesopotamia and Egypt responded to environmental challenges. • Compares the experiences of Jewish slaves in Downloads
Preview and Download !civilizations. Early civilizations grew up in river valleys. Civilizations developed governments, economic systems, and social structures. Early civilizations also had complex systems of belief and made advances in technology, architecture, and legal systems. These advances were spread among early civilizations by migration, trade, and warfare. Downloads
Preview and Download !Unit 1: Early Civilizations Chapter 1: The First Civilizations Activity 1 The Stone Age 1 Activity 2 Mesopotamian Cultures and Empires 2 Chapter 2: Ancient Egypt Activity 3 Events in the Nile River Valley 3 Activity 4 Egypt and Nubia 4 Chapter 3: The Ancient Israelites Activity 5 The Kingdoms of the Israelites 5 Activity 6 Life Among the ... Downloads
Preview and Download !civilizations were the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and _____. The cultures of Native American people varied depending on _____. A key part of the West African economy was the _____ trade. After the Black Death, the feudal system weakened and a middle class developed. Native American cultures shared beliefs about religion and _____. The Renaissance was ... Downloads
Preview and Download !sites of the Maya and Toltec cultures. El Caracol, the observatory shown in the photo, was used by the Maya and the Toltec to measure the movement of the moon, stars, and planets. It exhibits the advanced engineering and astronomy skills of its builders. In this chapter you will learn about the early civilizations of the Americas. Downloads
Preview and Download !classic ancient civilizations of the Western Hemisphere (Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Inca). Generalizations Geography always influences how and when civilizations develop. Focus Question: How did geography affect development of cultures in the Americas? Civilizations developed later in the Americas that in other parts of the world. Downloads
Preview and Download !The Greek City-States Though everyone in ancient Greece spoke the same language and worshipped the same_____, Greece was not a united country. Downloads
Preview and Download !The people of Latin America (Mesoamerica) were the agricultural-based societies of Mexico & Central America " Pre-Columbus # (prior to 1492) Three (3) major groups: " Aztecs " Incas " Mayas WHO WERE THE ANCIENT PEOPLE OF LATIN AMERICA? Downloads
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