Counting (Dots in Various Arrangements) Kindergarten ... Students work in small groups on collaborative discussion tasks, to match cards with dots in regular patterns, structured 10 frame patterns, unstructured arrangements, and numerals. ... Student writes numbers that are more than the number of dots. Downloads
Preview and Download !Children need many opportunities to create small groups of 1-5 objects. Drawing cards and counting is a basic game skill introduced in this activity. It involves counting and matching child picture cards or manipulatives or both—a lot of steps. Support children’s skills at any level of play. Documentation: Downloads
Preview and Download !lacing plates for skip counting from 123homeschool4me Number Bubble game by skip counting songs on YouTube . Count and Write Numbers to 20 . Number Recognition Caterpillar (Subitizing) 1-10 by Teach Me. I’m Yours. Free activities and worksheets for counting to 20 from Teachers Pay Teachers more counting resources from Teachers Pay ... Downloads
Preview and Download !• Start with a small range of numbers and continue with counting to 20, using a variety of objects to count including five frames, ten frames, and double ten frames. Include opportunities to count throughout the day such as counting steps, counting the number of students buying lunch, or counting the number of students who walk to school. Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Math Lessons Subtraction 7-1: Separate Lesson 7-1 Above Small Group Instruction Objective Students will determine the number of objects taken away from a given starting number to reach a given difference. Materials Story backgrounds, counting objects (dinosaurs, frogs, ladybugs, cows, etc…,) math journals Downloads
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