countable nouns uncountable nouns picnic cakes sandwiches apples bananas oranges grass ice cream water juice cheese rain We’re having a picnic! We’re sitting on some grass in a park. There are some cakes, sandwiches, apples and bananas. We haven’t got any oranges or ice cream, but we’ve got some water, juice and cheese. It’s sunny and ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Tell whether the underlined noun is countable or uncountable. __uncountable__ 1. Would you like some milk with your cereal? _____ 2. You will need eggs and sugar for this recipe. ... Grade 3 Nouns Worksheet: Countable and uncountable nouns Keywords: nouns,countable nouns, uncountable nouns, grammar, grade 3, worksheet, english ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Kitty and Max are hungry! Kitty wants to eat food which is countable, and Max wants to eat food which is uncountable! Write the food in the correct place. tomatoes milk apples pasta eggs juice cheese sweets rice grapes bread sandwiches tomatoes milk 2. Match them up! How do we use a/an, some, and any with countable and uncountable nouns? Downloads
Preview and Download !many, a few and a little with countable or uncountable nouns. Procedure Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Students start by sorting nouns into countable and uncountable nouns. Exercise A - Answer key Countable nouns: eggs, chairs, bottles, bags, girls Uncountable nouns: bread, money, coffee, homework, cheese Downloads
Preview and Download !Countable and Uncountable Nouns Complete the sentences using either ‘’a’’ or ‘’some’’ 1. There is _____ water in my bucket. 2. There is _____ dog in the garden. 3. There is _____ orange juice in the glass. 4. There is _____ milk in the coffee 5. There is _____ stain on your shirt. 6. Downloads
Preview and Download !Grammar test – Nouns – countable and uncountable Do the test then write down your score. 1. Choose the correct sentence! Read the sentences and underline the correct one. a. There is any milk in the fridge. There is some milk in the fridge. There is some milks in the fridge. _____ b. He’s got a grapes for a snack. He’s got any grapes ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns – countable and uncountable 1. Read and find. Find the food and drinks and write them in the boxes. This is my kitchen. We’ve just been shopping. There are some apples in the cupboard and some grapes in the fridge. There is some water and some pasta on the table. We didn’t buy any juice or any eggs, but we did buy some bread. Downloads
Preview and Download !Countable Or Uncountable Worksheet Author: Josef Essberger for Subject: Grammar worksheet sorting nouns into countable and uncountable at pre-intermediate level. With KEY. Keywords: countable or uncountable, countable, uncountable, worksheet, quiz Created Date: 20110620055239Z Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns – countable and uncountable – ANSWERS 1. Read and find. Find the food and drinks and write them in the boxes. This is my kitchen. We’ve just been shopping. There are some apples in the cupboard and some grapes in the fridge. There is some water and some pasta on the table. We didn’t buy any juice or any eggs, but we did buy some bread.Mmmm, I’m hungry – I think I’d like a ... Downloads
Preview and Download !You can use a / an in front of countable nouns. Nouns that have a plural form. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Nouns you can´t count Nouns that normally don´t have a plural form We can make uncountable nouns countable to express quantity. We add a unit or a quantity with “OF” e.g. a bar of chocolate c) Use a / an or some and write C for countable or U ... Downloads
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