If you can pluralize a noun in a sentence, it is functioning as a count noun. Note that a noun is considered to be a count noun if itcanbemadeplural,evenif it’s not plural in a particular sentence. Thus, in the sentenceIateacookie, cookieis a count noun because onecould pluralize it tocookies without changing its basic meaning. Test yourself 5.1
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Preview and Download !Mass, Count, and Collective Nouns 20 Sep 2019 A mass noun is a grammaticalconstruct Whether a noun is a mass noun has nothing to do with the inherent qualities of the object or objects to which the noun refers car, truck, SUV, motorcycle, freeway, lane (count nouns) traffic (mass noun)
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Preview and Download !Collective Nouns Answers Fill in the sentences with the correct collective noun. 1. His mum made a batch of cookies for him and his friends. 2. The class of students were in trouble for being too noisy. 3. The flock of birds soared above the bright blue ocean. 4. Singing beautifully in the distance was a choir of singers. 5.
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Preview and Download !Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com ANSWER KEY Collective Nouns 1. Our scout troop went camping. 2. The crowd waited for the parade to begin. 3. My sister’s softball team is practicing for the next game. 4. Mrs. Ling's class brought canned goods for the food drive. 5. That group made a poster about recycling. 6.
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Preview and Download !EXERCISE B Underline each collective noun in the following sentences. 1. I sing tenor in a quartet. 2. Everyone in the group received a door prize. 3. The team arrived early and went to the locker room. 4. As I watched, a flock of geese flew overhead. 5. The jury filed into their seats and listened to the judge’s instructions. 6.
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Preview and Download !Writing collective nouns worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 2 Nouns Worksheet: Writing collective nouns Keywords: nouns, collective nouns, english, grade 2, grammar, worksheet Created Date: 2/11/2019 8:22:31 PM
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Preview and Download !each collective noun. Answers will vary (double check that students use collective nouns as singular nouns). band department pack bunch faculty pride choir firm school class flock swarm deck herd team 1. a of wolves 2. a of singers 3. a of musicians 4. a of students 5. a of fish 6. a of lawyers 7. a of cards
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Preview and Download !Collective nouns are also fun! Now that you have learned how to use collective nouns, try and invent some of your own. Invent a creative collective noun for each of the nouns below, and then write a sentence to show the collective noun in use. 1. students babble We were surrounded by a babble of students. 2. cell phones _____
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Preview and Download !www.thegomom.com Collective Nouns Worksheet - Grade 4 !! Worksheet!made!by!www.thegomom.com.Allrights!reserved.!! Below is a list of words that when paired with the proper noun makes it a collective noun. Match the word with proper noun by writing the letter. a. cluster f. flock k. army b. litter g. bed l. bunch c. crowd h. lock m. tribe d ...
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Preview and Download !Writing collective nouns worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 2 Nouns Worksheet: Writing collective nouns Keywords: nouns, collective nouns, english, grade 2, grammar, worksheet Created Date: 2/11/2019 8:22:31 PM
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