Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Read the sentences and write the answer to the riddles. I am in a kitchen. I cook food. What am I? I have leaves. You can climb me. What am I? I have 4 wheels. I drive on roads. What am I? I am on a shelf. You read me. What am I? tree car oven book Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Read the sentences and write the answer to the riddles. I have two wheels. You can ride me. What am I? I fly in the sky. I am on a string. What am I? I live near ponds. I hop through yards. What am I? I am on your desk. You use me to write. What am I? Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Read the sentences and write the answer to the riddles. I help in the yard. I move leaves. What am I? I am round. You eat me for breakfast. What am I? I have four legs. You sit on me. What am I? I am a large cat. I live at the zoo. What am I? chair pancake tiger rake Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Read the sentences and write the answer to the riddles. You swing me. I hit baseballs. What am I? I spin around. I represent the earth. What am I? I hold food. You eat off of me. What am I? I hold clothing. I hang in a closet. What am I? hanger bat plate globe Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Read the sentences and write the answer to the riddles. I look at you, you look at me. I raise my right, you raise your left. What am I? I have hands but I cannot clap. What am I? I have forests, but no trees. I have lakes, but no water. I have roads, but no cars. Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Rreading Ccomrpehension - completing sentences-1 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheet - reading and completing sentences using picture clues Keywords: Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheet completing sentences using picture clues printing Created Date: 4/7/2015 2:55:45 PM Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Rreading Ccomrpehension - riddles with picture clues-1 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheet - reading sentences and matching to answers using pictures and riddles Keywords: Kindergarten reading comprehension worksheet matching answers to sentences riddles pictures Created Date: 4/7/2015 11:35:24 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 Draw a line from the sentence to the matching picture. The hen is clucking. Summer is my favorite season. The alarm clock is ringing. It is time for bed. One day we built a snowman. Downloads
Preview and Download !Use the picture clues to find and circle 8 landforms in the puzzle. Write them down. x a w w h o s n a d m 1 p t Il cop b o untai andchp iosriv erfal 1 serthl 1 n o t a o n h k u d a . Title: landform-printable-worksheets-for-preschools-and-kindergarten-3d.png Downloads
Preview and Download !Use the picture clues to find and circle 6 landforms in the puzzle. Write them down. x c w w li n go nub ouvall each dp e volca plainl 1 o n a h s n o d m 1 p n . Title: landform-printable-worksheets-for-preschools-and-kindergarten-4a.png Created Date: Downloads
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