Color the number squares on the calendar. Color the weekends blue and the weekdays yellow. 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 JANUARY 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 3 10 17 24 31 S M T W T F S ANSWER KEY. Title: calendars-basic-month_BASIC Created Date: Downloads
Preview and Download !WEEKLY CALENDAR: Start on Sunday and number the calendar I q-25. Circle the 20th. Cross out Thursday. Write "Apple Picking" on Wednesday. What is the day after Friday? What is the day before Friday? Cross out the 18th. What is the day after the 21st? If today were Tuesday, then what would tomorrow be? Cross out two days before Friday What is ... Downloads
Preview and Download !WEEKLY CALENDAR: SUPERSTAR WORKSHEETS Start on Sunday and number the calendar 20—26. Circle the 21st. Cross out the day after Friday. Write "Soccer" on Saturday What is Wednesday's date? Draw a clover on Monday. Cross out the 20th. Underline the 23rd. If today is Friday, what was the date three days ago Draw a rainbow on Sunday. Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading a calendar Grade 3 Time Worksheet Answer the questions according to the calendar. 1. The bill is due on the first Friday of March. What is the due date of the bill? _____ 2. Emma forgot to pay the bill on time. She paid the bill when it was three days overdue. When did she pay the bill? _____ 3. What is the date of the last Monday of March? Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading a calendar Grade 3 Time Worksheet Answer the questions according to the calendar. 1. Sean’s birthday is on the second Saturday of September. What is the date of his birthday? _____ 2. Sean’s mom’s birthday is five days after his birthday. Which day of week is his mom’s birthday? _____ 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading a calendar Grade 3 Time Worksheet Answer the questions according to the calendar. 1. Ashley circled the day for her field trip. What is the date of her field trip? _____ 2. Ashley needs to pay a fee the Friday before the field trip. What is the due date for the fee? _____ 3. Ashley has piano lessons every Wednesday. Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading a calendar Grade 3 Time Worksheet Answer the questions according to the calendar. 1. School starts on the second Monday of September. When is the first day of school? _____ 2. A special assembly for all students will be held a week after school starts. What is the date of the assembly? _____ 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !Reading a calendar Grade 3 Time Worksheet Answer the questions according to the calendar. 1. What day of the week is Christmas? _____ 2. Winter break will start 4 days before Christmas eve. What is the date of the first day of the winter break? _____ 3. Liz is hosting a party on the Saturday between the Christmas day and New Year eve. What is ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Gaston County Schools 2023-2024 School Calendar Worksheet Holiday Teacher Annual Leave Early Dismissal/Parent-Teacher Conferences Optional Teacher Workday Calendar Key First/Last Day of School 9-Week Report Cards Distributed Mandated Teacher Workday County Schools Calendar Information Downloads
Preview and Download !Answer each question below. Use a calendar if you don't know the answer. 1. How many months are in a year? 1. 12 2. How many days are in a week? 2. 7 3. How many days are in April? 3. 30 4. This year, what day of the week does 4. answers will vary depending on year December 30th fall on? 2016 - Friday 2017 - Saturday 2018 - Sunday 2019 - Monday 5. Downloads
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