Marketing is a topic many entrepreneurs ponder as they begin shaping their business ideas. Use this worksheet to document your thoughts, ideas, and action items as they relate to marketing in your business. The questions below follow the topics discussed in the course. You can use the Downloads
Preview and Download !This worksheet is set up for a fictional business, Joe’s Pizza Place. Use it to get started calculating the startup costs for your own business. Change expense categories or add new ones to fit your business. Enter one-time and monthly expenses in the appropriate columns. Your estimations should go into the Budget column, and the Downloads
Preview and Download !Starting your own business Digging deeper into a business idea Now, pick one of the business ideas you thought of and do some mind mapping to explore what that business could look like. Create your mind map 1. Write the business idea in the center square. 2. Then write answers to each of the questions in the outer squares. BUSINESS IDEA Downloads
Preview and Download !Business Plan Worksheet Your business plan is a record of decisions that you must make about achieving a set of goals. Realize that much of your plan will be speculative. For example, you can’t be certain what your true costs are until you have been in business for a while. You may Downloads
Preview and Download !SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHEET Client: ID # TAX YEAR ORDINARY SUPPLIES The Purpose of this worksheet is to help you organize Advertising your tax deductible business expenses. In order for an Books & Magazines expense to be deductible, it must be considered an Business Cards "ordinary and necessary" expense. You may include Downloads
Preview and Download !Total COST of business office supplies (paper, pens, printer ink/toner, etc.) Pension and Profit Sharing; Total COST of pension and profit sharing expenses paid for you and your employees Postage and Delivery; Total COST of postage paid (mailers, stamps, etc.) Rent – Vehicle and Machinery; Downloads
Preview and Download !ATTACHMENTS & WORKSHEETS Product/Services Description Customers Competitive Analysis Start-up Costs Balance Sheet Sales Forecast Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expense ... Steps 2 & 3: Compare your business to the competition and prioritize. ----- Competitor ----- Factors You A B C Priority 1. Products 2. Price 3. Quality 4. ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Considerations (customize for your business) Operational Impacts Financial Impact • Lost sales and income Quantify operational impacts in fnancial terms. • Negative cash fow resulting from delayed sales or income • Increased expenses (e.g., overtime labor, outsourcing, expediting costs, etc.) • Regulatory fnes Downloads
Preview and Download !Choose a business and research how it applies each of the primary areas of business (accounting, finance, economics, marketing, and management). Share what you have learned with your counselor. A m erican B usiness - Merit Badge Workbook Page. 9 of 10. American Business Scout's Name: _____ _____ 6. Do ONE of the following: ... Downloads
Preview and Download !fitness center owners, business lawyer for new churches)? My personal and/or professional interests or passions are: My legal skills/experience are: These intersect with a need at: 2. Identify your ideal client/customer. Think about your best current or ideal client—those whom you like to work with, doing work you like. What are their Downloads
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