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Budgeting Worksheet Setting a budget and developing a spending plan is a great way to relieve uncertainty and stress while also helping you to figure out how to meet both your short-term and long-term financial goals. Use this worksheet to calculate your monthly expenses and income to get an idea of what you have Downloads
Preview and Download !Budgeting 101. 2 3. Budget Breakdown. What makes up your budget? To reach your goals, you need money left over at the end of the month. Consider these categories that make up your budget. 4. Current Spending Habits. Time to write out your budget Downloads
Preview and Download !Free downloadable food budgeting and grocery shopping lesson plans and other online resources for children, youth, teens and adults. Compiled by Mary Meck Higgins, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.; Associate Professor and K-State Research & Extension Human Nutrition Specialist; 202 Justin Hall -- HN, Kansas State Downloads
Preview and Download !BUDGET - SIMULATION ACTIVITY Grade Level: 8-12 Time: 45 minutes Materials: • 1 set of Career Cards (pages 2 through 9) • 1 copy per group of the Expense Packet (pages 10-11) Downloads
Preview and Download !Students learn about budgeting rules and then apply their understanding in an interactive budgeting activity. KEY INFORMATION. Building block: Executive function Financial knowledge and decision-making skills Grade level: Middle school (6–8) Age range: 11–14. Topic: Save and invest (Saving for long-term goals, Saving for short-term Downloads
Preview and Download !of budgeting. Review a scenario on the “Budget scenarios ” handout and write the expenses in the appropriate categories on the next page. Determine whether the monthly budget meets the 50-30-20 rule. Write advice to help bring the scenario’s budget closer to the 50-30-20 rule. Create a 50-30-20 budgeting rule pie chart. Downloads
Preview and Download !budgeting when listening and reading • Use vocabulary related to budgeting appropriately when speaking • Recognize and use statements and questions with the modal “can” • Recognize key vocabulary related to budgeting when reading and listening • Use vocabulary related to budgeting appropriately when speaking Downloads
Preview and Download !Use this budget. tool to see how much you make and spend each month. 1 List your income 2 . List your expenses 3 . Subtract your total spending from total income to build your budget Downloads
Preview and Download !2 TIAA Retirement expense and income worksheets Start by listing your current expenses and then adjust the numbers up or down based on your best estimates for retirement. If you can, list “essential” and “discretionary” (extra) expenses separately. This can help you find ways to modify spending if necessary. Downloads
Preview and Download !monthly budget worksheet income 1 income 2 hobby income interest income investment income child support/alimony extra money total monthly income home mortgage/rent Downloads
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