Blendin S's Skill: Reading and sorting S- Consonant blends. Directions: Match each picture card with its correct word. Sort the words under the correct heading. Downloads
Preview and Download !and blend the sounds to make the word (e.g. /c/ + /at/ = cat). 3. If a player is stumped or lands on “Lose a Turn,” the die is passed to the next person. If the student lands on “Roll Again,” he/she rolls again and gets another turn. Th e person who records the most words at the end of the allotted time wins. Source: Downloads
Preview and Download !ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP PHONEME BLENDING SKILLS Finish My Sentence Before beginning the activity, create a list of simple sentences. Include in each sentence a three or four-letter word you can ask your child to blend. Here are some examples: I gave him my /p/ /e/ /n/. Sam got on the /b//u//s/. The pig ran in the /m//u//d/. Downloads
Preview and Download !dr Blend Activities by Cherry Carl Artwork: © . Cherry Carl, 2012 ddrr BBllee nnddss LLiisstt drab drawer drink* draft dread drip drag dreadful drive dragon dream drop dragonfly dreary drown drain dress drum drama dribble drummer drank dried dry ... Downloads
Preview and Download !str Blend Activities by Cherry Carl Artwork: © Cherry Carl, 2012 ssttrr BBlleennddss LLiisstt straggle stray strip straight streak strive straighten stream stroke strain street stroll strand strength strong* strangle stress struggle stranger stretch ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Name: _____ © Directions: Fill in the missing blend. L Blends _ _ y _ _ oat _ _ oss _ _ eeve _ _ ug _ _ ass Downloads
Preview and Download !Words beginning with ‘bl’ blend blow blimp blob blue blaze blocks blade blender blush Draw 4 things that begin with the blend ‘bl’ Cut and paste bl bl bl bl . Author: SHARP, Scott Created Date: 4/6/2018 11:14:30 AM ... Downloads
Preview and Download !blend bless blew blind blink blizzard blob Blends Word Lis} as flake ame ap are flash flashligh+ fla+ aw fleck flesh ew flick fli9h+ flin+ floa+ flock flock flood oor op our OW ower fluff fluid fluke flunk flush flu+e block blonde blood bloom blossom blo+ blouse blow blue bluff blun+ blush clack clad claim clam clamp clan clans clap clash clay Downloads
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