Marketing is a topic many entrepreneurs ponder as they begin shaping their business ideas. Use this worksheet to document your thoughts, ideas, and action items as they relate to marketing in your business. The questions below follow the topics discussed in the course. You can use the fillable PDF form fields or print the worksheet and wr... Downloads
Preview and Download !Advertising All Around Us Level: Grades 5 and 6 About the Author: Marie Buisson, Toronto, Ont. LESSON PLAN Overview This teaching unit helps students to become more aware of the language and techniques used in print advertising, as well as the impact of advertising on their daily lives. The unit will focus on three key media literacy concepts: Downloads
Preview and Download !Advertising All Around Us Level: Grades 5 and 6 About the Author: Marie Buisson, Toronto, Ont. LESSON PLAN Overview This teaching unit helps students to become more aware of the language and techniques used in print advertising, as well as the impact of advertising on their daily lives. The unit will focus on three key media literacy concepts: Downloads
Preview and Download !Scoring Guide for Advertising Unit Pre-Assessment Priority Standard 6-5 4-3 2-1 9.05 Infer an DXWKRU¶VXQVWDWHG ideas, analyzing evidence that supports those unstated ideas and make reasonable generalizations about text. Makes an exceptionally clear analysis about how the advertisement achieves its purpose in persuading an audience. Downloads
Preview and Download !Distribute the “Advertising Slogans” worksheet and have the small groups fill in the product that is represented by the slogan. Have a class competition to see which small group can identify the most products. Some teachers give extra points for the group singing the ad. Why do you know the names of the products? Downloads
Preview and Download !Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. "Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes." - Attributed to Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy Downloads
Preview and Download !parts of working in advertising? > H. Discuss the following statement. Having a good product is not as important as having an eye-catching logo and a memorable slogan or catchy jingle. > I. Discuss what you think was wrong with the following advertising campaigns. • A hair products company advertised new styling tongs with the name ‘Mist’. Downloads
Preview and Download !Worksheet 1: Describe your product — 47 Worksheet 2: List your marketing goals — 53 Worksheet 3: Profile your competitors — 57 Worksheet 4: Identify your competitive advantage— 59 Worksheet 5: State your market position —61 Chapter 6: Developing your brand — 63 Worksheet 6: Create a brand—71 Chapter 7: Understanding your target market — 73 Downloads
Preview and Download !An advertisement usinglogoswill give you the evidence and statistics youneed to fully understand what the product does. Thelogosof anadvertisement will be the "straight facts" about the product:One glass ofFlorida orange juice contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs. Ethos:an appeal to credibility or character. Downloads
Preview and Download !ADVERTISING WORKSHEET 2: GRADE 8 Study each of the cartoons below and answer the questions that follow. Question 1 TEXT A 1.1 Explain the pun used in this billboard advertisement. (3) 1.2 Identify two ways in which potential customers can find more information. (2) Downloads
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