Supporting Details provide information to clarify, prove, or explain the main idea. These details demonstrate the validity of the main idea. They often list parts, aspects, steps, or examples of the main idea. Or sometimes they may list the causes of it, effects from it, or ways in which it shows itself to be true. There are two types of supporting details: major and minor Downloads
Preview and Download !identifying-main-idea-and-supporting-details-worksheets 1/9 Downloaded from on July 27, 2022 by guest Identifying Main Idea And Supporting Details Worksheets When people should go to the books stores, search establishment by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. This is why we present the ebook compilations in this website. Downloads
Preview and Download !Supporting Details Of Chy REVIEW Directions: Read the passage. Then read each question about the passage. Choose the best answer to each question. Mark the letter for the answer you have chosen. The Pueblo People The Pueblo are one of the oldest peoples in North America. The Pueblo are descended from an even older Downloads
Preview and Download !The supporting details describe the main idea. They make the main idea stronger and clearer. Keep in mind that the main idea is often the first or last sentence of a paragraph. To find the main idea, answer two questions: (1) What is the paragraph mostly about? Downloads
Preview and Download !Main idea and details Reading Comprehension Worksheet Practice A parent or tutor should read to the student and help the student to record their answers. ~~~~~ The main idea of a story is what the whole story is mostly about. The details are small pieces of information that make the story more interesting. ~~~~~ 1. Listen to this story. Downloads
Preview and Download !A supporting detail is an armadillo A runs slowly B lives a long time C can roll into a ball D eats grubs and insects If you knew the main character in a story was clever, which supporting detail would make you believe this? A B c D The character created a toy out of string. The father was a brilliant scientist. Downloads
Preview and Download !supporting detail in a story about banning fireworksQ A B c D Fireworks make lots of noise and sparkle. People burn their fingers lighting them. People can light their own fireworks. Fireworks are safe for even children. A supporting detail helps the reader know more about the main idea. A true B false Tigers are strong jumpers. This idea is Downloads
Preview and Download !Main idea and supporting details - Reading Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 5 Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Main idea and supporting details Keywords: Main idea and supporting details, reading comprehension, literacy, worksheets, exercises, grade 5 Created Date: 12/6/2016 2:55:00 PM Downloads
Preview and Download !Main Idea: Supporting Details Read each paragraph and circle the topic. Underline the topic sentence in red (double underline, if you don’t have a red pen). Underline details that support main idea in blue (underline once, if you don’t have a blue pen). 1. Main Idea: A new school is being built. They are building a new school. Downloads
Preview and Download !Main idea and supporting details worksheets 2nd grade pdf Teaching Main idea and details can be a very tricky concept for students to master. To assume this can be taught through cute graphic organizers would be very ineffective. Downloads
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