Homophone practice sheet Write out the sentences in your books, filling in the gaps. Then think of a new sentence using the alternative homophone.
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Preview and Download !Primary sources are firsthand accounts that provide glimpses into history. The Records Search database (https://history.house.gov/HouseRecord/Search/) contains unique materials related to the U.S. House of Representatives. By analyzing these sources, students can better understand historic events, American culture, perspectives, and the House it...
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Preview and Download !Primary Resources Worksheets Rugi is a nine-year-old girl living in Kambia, Sierra Leone. She has two brothers, Ibrhaim (12) and Alimamy (13). During the Ebola crisis, their mother, Yainkin, died. That was three years ago. Since then the children have rebuilt their lives and are dreaming of a bright future.
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Preview and Download !5. Make an intelligent es"mate of how many prime numbers there will be in the next four 25 blocks: 201-225 226-250 251-275 276-300 6. Draw a frequency chart of the last number (units) of each prime number between 1-200.
https://url.theworksheets.com/370m93 Downloads
Preview and Download !Primary Source Worksheet: Written Document. Examine the primary source and answer the following questions. N am e : A d a p t e d f ro m N a t i o n a l A rch i ve s D o cu me n t A n a l ysi s W o rksh e e t s
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Preview and Download !There and Their. A) Put there or their in each space: 1. The children stayed _____ last Summer. 2. _____ are twelve months in the year. 3. _____ was a large crowd at the match.
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Preview and Download !The witches The Witches certainly are an evil bunch of creatures! Take your mind off them by trying to put these words into alphabetical order. witch _____ mouse _____
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Preview and Download !Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like what it is describing is known as onomatopoeia. Task One Write down this list of words in your book. If you think the word is an example of onomatopoeia put a
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Preview and Download !Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources Determine if the source would be a Primary Source (P) or a secondary source (S). •A Primary Source is information that was created at the same time as an event or by a person directly involved in the event. Diaries, speeches, letters, official records, autobiographies.
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Preview and Download !Every person has a perspective. Background, beliefs, and experiences shape their point of view. Anytime a person creates something, they bring their own perspective into their work. This tool will help you identify perspective. Answer the following questions as best you can based on the primary source. Meet the primary source.
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