Half-staff means the flag is halfway up the pole. When the flag is flown half-staff, it is first raised quickly to the top of the pole and then slowly lowered to the halfway mark. At the end of the day, it is raised all the way to the top of the pole and then lowered slowly. The American flag was adopted in 1777 during the American War of ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/bvq409 Downloads
Preview and Download !Flag Day is not, however, an (4) ____ federal holiday. The state of Pennsylvania is the only U.S. state to celebrate the day as a state holiday. The U.S. President does have the power to tell other states to observe the day. The President also (5) ____ citizens to fly the American
https://url.theworksheets.com/bvo184 Downloads
Preview and Download !Flag Day Vocabulary Directions: Match the columns. Write the correct letters on the lines. 1. _____ Flag Day a. a promise of loyalty to U.S. 2. _____ fifty b. admiration, honor 3. _____ thirteen c. banner that represents a country 4. _____ flag d. colors of the American flag 5. _____ holiday e. display the flag 6. _____ June f. holiday to honor ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/rs5229 Downloads
Preview and Download !5. Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag. 6. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin placed an American flag on the moon. 7. A flag should never be flown in the dark. At night, the flag should be taken down or a light should be shined on it. 8. When someone on a boat is in danger and needs help, they can fly the United States flag upside-down. 9.
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Preview and Download !Flag Day Vocabulary Answer Key 1. f Flag Day a. a promise of loyalty to U.S. 2. j fifty b. admiration, honor 3. k thirteen c. banner that represents a country 4. c flag d. colors of the American flag 5. q holiday e. display the flag 6. h June f. holiday to honor the flag 7. a Pledge of Allegiance g. love for one’s country 8. n salute h. month ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/bvs189 Downloads
Preview and Download !Flag Day Important Things to Remember The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag should be k^g]^k^][rlmZg]bg`ZmZmm^gmbhg_Z\bg`ma^ÜZ`pbma ma^kb`amaZg]ho^kma^a^Zkm'B_ghmbgngb_hkf%Z i^klhglahne]k ^fho^ablhk a^k aZmpbmama^kb`amaZg] Zg]ahe]bmZmma^e^_mlahne]^k%pbmama^aZg]ho^kma^
https://url.theworksheets.com/4y07154 Downloads
Preview and Download !Flag Day Read Aloud Activity Flag Day is on June 14. It is a holiday to celebrate the adoption of the American Flag in 1777. Flag Day is not a federal holiday, so schools, banks, and government offices are open. On Flag Day, people display the American flag. They fly the flag in front of their houses or businesses. Some civic organizations have
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Preview and Download !I pledge allegiance to the Flag ofthe United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The Numbers: stars on the nag — one for each state stripes on the flag — one for each original colony the year Betsy Ross sewed the flag of June — Flag Day
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Preview and Download !www.elcivics.com for more ESL and EL Civics worksheets and activities. Flag Day Flag Day is on June 14. It is a special day to celebrate the adoption of the American Flag in 1777. It is not a federal holiday, so schools, banks, government offices, and the post office are open on Flag Day. The American flag has fifty stars and thirteen stripes. The
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Preview and Download !include the special activities for Flag Day and Memorial Day. (See Appendix A—page 11) Prescribed Activities include Ritual; participation in the Most Valuable Student Contests; cooperation and support of other programs of the Grand Exalted Ruler; and support and participation in State Association programs.
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