Connect each word to its meanings on the left and right. the sound made by a dog check the part of the body that we see with hard a mark showing an answer is correct bark not soft fly an insect with wings eye a bill at a restaurant travel in the sky difficult the center of a storm the outside of a tree Multiple meaning words Grade 1 Vocabulary ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Connect each word to its meanings on the left and right. to cut off hide average to keep as a secret bat a device that holds hair a club of wood used to hit balls fair to want something you had before to not hit or catch the ball clip a small mammal with large wings treat equally miss to go where nobody can find you Multiple meaning words Downloads
Preview and Download !M and Ms: Locating multiple meaning words and illustrating them: 1. Students identify multiple meaning words when they are doing independent reading. Once they find one, they write a sentence using the word with the meaning they noticed in the text on an index card. They could even copy the sentence they located the word in from the text. Downloads
Preview and Download !Connect each word to its meanings on the left and right. coming after all others dip to continue to the end a dish for holding food over a thick sauce put something into liquid last the bottom part of something the end part of the leg bowl above to the other side of foot roll balls down an alley Multiple meaning words Grade 1 Vocabulary Worksheet Downloads
Preview and Download !Two Bee and Three Bee. One Bee words include words appropriate for first, second and third grade s. The list below includes 50 challenging first grade words. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these words, you will be well prepared for your first grade classroom bee. To prepare for a school spelling bee, Downloads
Preview and Download !support vocabulary building worksheets that parallel the list words to give practice in sentence writing and word meaning. If you would like to try these breakthrough techniques with your own child or student(s), we offer the first nine weeks of each grade level absolutely free. This way you can see for yourself how ReadingKEY Downloads
Preview and Download !Get Ready for First Grade Say Short Vowels * Spell Out Short Vowel Words * Write the Short Vowel Words * Spell Out the Silent "E" * Long Vowel Review * Write the Long Vowel Words * Digraph Sound Review * Digraph Sound Review #2 * Beginning Blends Review * Ending Blends Review * Underwater Mystery Color by Word * Jungle Mystery Color by Word * Downloads
Preview and Download !sounds in each word using Elkonin boxes. Students will push one tile (or other object) into a box for each sound (e.g., kite = /k/ /ie/ /t/ ) Adding/Substituting Phonemes Adding and substituting phonemes involves adding a new phoneme to a word (as in, what word do you get if you add /b/ to “at”) or swapping one Downloads
Preview and Download !Instructional pacing for the introduction of word parts for our students varies by grade level. Kindergarteners and first graders are introduced to new prefixes or suffixes each quarter/9 weeks, while second grade students are introduced to affixes on a biweekly basis. Students in grades 3-5 are introduced to word parts on a weekly basis. Downloads
Preview and Download !Answers: Boxes Base word Suffix Suffix bank-s -es -ing -ed Word Suffix Root word bells -s bell worked -ed work trees -s tree looking -ing look mixed -ed mix Downloads
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