Capital Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. 1) the dog fetches the stick. 2) they prefer juice to milk. 3) mom drinks coffee in the morning. 4) john practices for the game. ... capital letters, capitalization, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet Created Date: Downloads
Preview and Download !CAPITALIZATION Below are six important rules for using capitalization in your writing. Rule #1: Capitalize the first word of every sentence. Rule #2: Capitalize proper nouns (names of people, places and things). Examples: Examples: There are two cups on the table. My best friend is Sarah. Do you have a pen? Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. 1) the mouse is hiding under the couch. 2) bill is sitting in his recliner. 3) we are going to the movies tonight. 4) there are too many toys in this room. ... capital letters, capitalization, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. 1) the teacher is writing on the board. 2) all the children are sitting at the carpet. 3) the students are working in pairs. 4) tenley and her friend are reading a book. ... capital letters, capitalization, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 1 Grammar Worksheet Answers 1. mr. linton Mr. Linton 2. pedro lopez Pedro Lopez 3. statue of liberty Statue of Liberty 4. ms. smith Ms. Smith 5. Say hello to melanie. Say hello to Melanie. 6. I see jason over there. I see Jason over there. Title: Capital letter for names worksheet Author: Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization is the writing of a word with its first letter as upper case and the remaining letters in lower case. Capital letters are used to start sentences and identify proper nouns. Capitalizing Words in a Sentence Capitalization Worksheet . Answers: 1. The class was ready to go on the field trip to the New York Z oo. Downloads
Preview and Download !Grade 1 Grammar Worksheet Rewrite the sentences below with capital letters. Capital letters are used for the names of people, places and things. 1. mary went to disney world. 2. the wizards are a basketball team. 3. kevin and jamal are brothers. 4. i love the silver diner. 5. sprinkles is matt’s cat. 6. japan is far away. Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization Reminders: Capitalize 1st word in a sentence and 1st word in a quote. Capitalize proper nouns, proper adjective, and the pronoun I. Capitalize the first word in the greeting and closing of a letter. Capitalize first, last, and all important words in a title. Directions: Highlight or draw three lines under each letter that needs ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Capitalization Worksheet 1 Reading Adventures Part One: Identifying Capitalization Errors Circle the words that should be capitalized. 1. sam first met pam while camping in tampa, florida. 2. pam invited sam to read a book called puppy partners with her. 3. puppy partners is about two silly dogs named pookie and pokey. Downloads
Preview and Download !Fixing capitalization worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 4 Capitalization Worksheet: Fixing capitalization Keywords: capitalization, english, grammar, worksheet, grade 4 Created Date: 6/2/2019 6:33:49 PM Downloads
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