Life Skills Worksheets – A Quick Curation – Part 2

March 19, 2022 by admin

Life Skills Worksheets

[Search Collections] – Articles

Below are a set of articles which link to individual life skill searches used by teachers worldwide.

Kindergarten Life Skills

Yoga skills

If what you are searching for doesn’t fall into one of the categories , you can search for the worksheets in the above search box.

[Curated Collection] Popular searches related to important skills

The below curation is a collection of categories that largely fall under life skills.

Yoga & Meditation Worksheets

The modern day man is unfortunately known for his inability to cope up with stress and anxiety in life. Yoga and Meditation is the tool that many of us turn into to retain our sanity. Not only is it necessary if overcome stress in-order to keep diseases at bay, stress-free people have a better approach towards life altogether. It can help us be maximum productive at work and life.

Yoga and meditation techniques are one of the best life skills that you can impart to the next generation. Explore our collections here.

Social Skills Worksheets

Social skills is the ability to behave in an acceptable manner in social situations. These skills includes the ability to read and interpret body language, cues and facial expressions. Teaching social skills should be integrated regularly both at home and at school.

See the Character Worksheets and Conflict Resolution Worksheets as well. No matter how responsible, confident or social your child is, social skills worksheets will help him do even better in life by making him more aware of himself and the people around him.

Check out a sample of our collections of social skills worksheets here.

Growth Mindset Worksheets

Growth mindset is when students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement. The feedback that teachers give their students can either encourage a child to choose a challenge and increase achievement or look find ways to escape.

The grown mindset inherently set up the students for success. Teachers can use Growth Mindset worksheets for understanding the growth mindset, and to guide the student to the study skills resources. Check out our collection of Growth Mindset worksheets and activities here.

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