#FreeToolTips – 5 Free Tools to create Infographics

September 18, 2018 by admin



They say, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. Well, Infographics is not about it.

Infographics is not about pretty pictures.

You must have heard about Skim-Reading. Probably you didn’t skim-read about it and miss it altogether! It is the ultimate curse of the digital world. It is a classic case of when a person are bombarded with huge quantities of information, nothing sticks! Your brain finds a way to get around the information overload and end up purging the whole lot, if more efforts are not taken to register it into the memory. This is more so with children. The information stays on the surface and is overwritten if not registered using more clever techniques. Which is why Infographics play such an important role in modern education. Students using infographics are said to be more engaged with the project they work on. They are more creative and involved in the assignments when the teacher asks for an infographics-report and not an essay.

Infographics are undoubtedly one of the best ways to present a lot of complex information in a comprehensive format, in more compelling ways. So presenting you the best of free tools to create Infographics.

Go get ’em free

They have amazing chart products. Javascript charts, stock charts and maps are worth mentioning. With this free tool you can easily add charting capabilities to your websites and applications. Compatible with all modern and most legacy browsers (yes even IE7), JavaScript Charts allows creating flexible Pie, Column, Line, and number of other chart types. This editor allows you to use amCharts as a web service. This means that all you need to do is to configure the chart and paste the generated HTML code to your HTML page.

This website is a simple one which aids you in making map visualizations. With this website you can create interactive maps online instantly! No installation required. No coding needed. However you need to register to use this flash app. You can export the map as an image or embed the map in your own website or blog easily (simply copy & paste HTML code, no FTP).  Multiple features are available to set the zoom level, comparative bases etc. The best part is that it is free for now. Your email id would be the only give-away!

Here we have a website which is not just for visualization tools, they have amazing blogs and news reports on the education world. The website deals globally and there are many visualizations which shows how the world is doing in multiple parameters. Income, maps, trends, ranks and ages are some of the different parameters that they deal with. This one is worth checking out!

piktochart.com is one of the market leaders and not without reason. They are so user friendly that if you use them once, you will go back to them again and help you make Information Beautiful. They are probably one of the most popular amongst students and teachers alike. No complex design software. No heavy designer fees. This is just a simple, intuitive tool that helps you and your team tell stories with the visual impact they deserve. They have templates for your presentations also.You can create infographics and engaging presentations also.This is probably a one-stop shop for all your visual communication requirements. They have special pricing packages for education sector, even though you get the basic trial free.

This is the trail version of a very popular tool tableau. Tableau has a free trial version of the tool that brings data to life. Easy to use. Spectacularly powerful. Data In. Brilliance Out.

So here’s the list. Do check out the world of infographics and engaging presentations. Its is a colorful world out there! Comment here and share your experiences.

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