
June 26, 2018 by admin

How hard is it to tell your kid to not to get angry when they are in the middle of a tantrum?(Very Hard) How do you tell your Junior to eat more fruits and vegetables everyday?(Can they Really hear you talk over the flying broccoli stems?) How do you tell your teenager to keep the phone away and get moving?(U kidding me? That’s a nuclear bomb detonator!) Well, guess what? I happened to come across this really amazing website today which explains all this in the most mildest, funniest, logical-est, infographic and cute-videographic way possible!

And guess what? I was only Googling to get ideas on how to make your kids move more and stay healthy! Lo’ and behold.. I struck this goldmine.

The website in discussion is an absolute delight for children of all age groups.(In some cases parents too! ;)), per the site details is a comprehensive suite of resources that will empower children and parents to make healthy lifestyles choices that help prevent childhood obesity.  Thanks to the joint collaboration between WebMD and Sanford Health. Read more about them here.

The FIT platform has carved out 4 pillars on which this interactive and robust structure deliver all good stuff, specific to Juniors(2-7 yrs), Kids(3-12) and Teens(13-18). The 4 pillars being –

  • FOOD: Nutritional Fitness
  • MOVE: Physical Fitness
  • MOOD: Emotional Fitness
  • RECHARGE: Behavioral Fitness

Whoa!! I am impressed. They’ve covered their bases truly well. They even have games to motivate kids to stay fit. What more could a doting momma ask for! Maybe just that the kids take their faces off the screens for a moment?!

All said and done, the true test is whether your kids got moving. Whether your kids are convinced about being healthy as a way of life and not a philosophy or an ever-evading goal. The website invariably takes up holistic health as a matter of discussion, which is way more precious than physical fitness. If you as parents and teachers can provide a congenial environment, the kids might just pick up a habit they might stick to for life. As they say, the millennials trust their gadgets/internet more than they trust people. Maybe this one will prod them in the right direction.

-Love ‘n Good Health


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